Aaaaaaand the attempt to look "cool" and "with it" ends up doing the exact opposite. Clowns, they have no idea how to be honest or to serve others. They only do what they believe will get them power and money for themselves.
Looking at this silliness makes me realize that Dems are so isolated from any kind of real life experience that they don't know how to do anything except act, and they so undervalue real-life skills that they can't even ACT convincingly. It's sad.
i think if we replaced all the Democrats with kindergartners we would be way ahead...........
Absolutely. Kindergarteners have a little common sense.
Aaaaaaand the attempt to look "cool" and "with it" ends up doing the exact opposite. Clowns, they have no idea how to be honest or to serve others. They only do what they believe will get them power and money for themselves.
or look ridiculous...
I'd say so. They somehow managed to fit all their accomplishment into one video.
Somebody needs to tell these politicians shaking their butts won't get them into office.
Remember - this is the same group that thought twerking was a campaign strategy and that "Kamala is Brat" would win them the election.
Oh correct. You got that right.
Oh my goodness.
Our reps at work
worse than nurses dancing during covid
The nurses were better.
"Cringiest video of the year"
Give them time. 🤣🤣🤣
There's a worse one out already. Congresswomen 3rd District Connecticut
Far worse.
I think all our representatives in Congress have been abducted by aliens and replaced by either robots or actors/actresses. What do you think?
They really couldn't have been "elected" could they?
Can't say because there are too many brain-dead out there.
Stupid is as stupid does.
Yeah, this is blowing up biggly for them. They took the whole "Dems can't be any more retarded" as a challenge and once again out did themselves.
Oh, is that why?
Looking at this silliness makes me realize that Dems are so isolated from any kind of real life experience that they don't know how to do anything except act, and they so undervalue real-life skills that they can't even ACT convincingly. It's sad.
They are either so stupid or these people are all replaced by robots already.
Oh brother they're such idiots.