I put this post together after a few comments to those on patriots.win. Many of them are demanding that the files be released and I've tried to explain what the holdup might be.
This is a tough one and I'd like to know what those of you here might think about it.
I tried to explain over there that these people don't mess with kids just for jollies (some do, but mostly it's for blackmail.)
You want to be in The Club, you have to prove your loyalty. And you have to have a way of being controlled.
So, either you go along with doing terrible things to children, or you get set up to look like you did, or else You're Out. And if You're Out, you will probably suffer an unfortunate accident so you can't talk about anything you might have seen or heard.
It's not just the USA. It's the whole world. Anybody influential and important. The king of England. Most heads of state. These are the monsters who run the whole planet. It's just like the mafia - it IS the mafia. Highly organized crime. Lawful evil, to put it in D&D terms.
Most people would be shocked to the core if they were told. Most would refuse to believe it and most likely would turn against the messenger (Trump & us) for trying to tell them.
You don't think so? Try telling a few close normie friends about what I just posted above. Tell them you're dead serious. Watch what happens. Now imagine that times a few billion.
That doesn't even cover the retaliation planned if we really turn this loose. Power grids down. Water systems poisoned. Suitcase nukes and dirty bombs in cities. These people will NOT go quietly.
Starting to understand the problem now?
This is what Trump and Bondi and Patel are really up against. I can't hate them for being very, very careful.
I am just trying to imagine what's going on behind the scenes and what kind of threats are hanging over all of our heads.
And it's not just those kind of threats. The population at large does not seem at all prepared to cope with just how bad this information really is.
Just this week, I tried to explain it to a couple of normie friends - very worldly, grownup, intelligent people that I have known well for many years.
Both of them were in shock at what I was saying and have cut me off socially. They Could Not Handle It.
They'll probably come back eventually - but I'm trying to imagine that if they'd do that to me, somebody they actually know, how will they react to hearing this coming from Trump and his cabinet?
So many laugh at and dismiss Q, but of course that's where we were introduced to these ideas many years ago. As a result, we are prepared but the people who laughed it off and refused to look at it are not prepared at all.
Seriously: What do you think would actually happen if it was all released tomorrow? We would be extremely happy - but what about the average person, not to mention the average TDS-riddled leftist?
Spot on. Disclosure has to be managed with the utmost of care, and totally by the book. People are not able to digest much at a time. Some just don't want to hear about it because they feel nothing they could do would matter anyway, so a thought process akin to "eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we could die" kicks in.
I agree. I think there will be massive denial and a lot of "kill the messenger," just like there was when we tried to explain that the COVID MRNA shots were actually dangerous and ivermectin could help those who were sick.
We all saw the huge shrieking resistance and loss of family and friends at that time. I think the Epstein files are going to make that look like a walk in the park. I don't know if there's any way to prepare for that. It's already been ramping up among people I know.
Hold on to your butts, I guess, is about all I can say.
They sure like to hear bad stuff about Trump & others. News about crime & corruption come out almost every day & the world doesn't stop turning. jmo