Is anybody else having "visited link" color issues?
For some reason my visited links here on GAW fail to change color (purple), works everywhere else I roam.. Anybody else having this issue? Any known fixes? Really annoying.
Working fine here. I'm using brave browser in dark mode if that matters to you.
I use Brave too in dark mode, no issues for me either.
Good, Brave, dark
Chrome here..
Idk a fix but mine often changes color when I first open it then if I go back the post has changed back and my up symbol has also disappeared.
I messaged the mods a week ago about this and no reply,it's still not highlighting read/clicked on posts for me and it really helps when it was working.
Jeez, so simple for whoever does the site html/java. Sample:
<style> a:link { color: blue; background-color: transparent; text-decoration: none; } a:visited { color: pink; background-color: transparent; text-decoration: none; } </style>
I'm no expert, but what I can tell you is this: we have control over some things here, but not others. If we can't fix something, then we're out of luck, as the scored gods have ghosted us.
Having issues lately on mobile showing notifications. Been a few months now
Same here. For a few days now..
Its a grand conspiracy to manipulate upvotes!! Muahahahaha!!!!! dr evil pose
It does force us to use that as a way to show we already looked at the post..When will the Conspiracies stop already!?
Are you logged-in?
I am not understanding about the "visited link"?
When clicking on a link, viewing that page, then returning to the original page, the link should be a different color so you know you've been there. Usually part of the page html. Common, just not working for me here.
I have Community Styling ON.