I don’t know what tech they use to war game future events so accurately, but I believe that’s what they are doing. War gaming that the globalists wanted Assad out actually wasn’t difficult, foreshadowing the exact day was.
There's some deep history here I can't really go into right now, but the Syrian "Civil" War was really just another Ukraine- Cabalist invasions to steal legally Russian territory
Q made a picture of Assad the exact Delta that he was removed as president. Is Trump and Q behind this?
I think they were ahead of it.
I don’t know what tech they use to war game future events so accurately, but I believe that’s what they are doing. War gaming that the globalists wanted Assad out actually wasn’t difficult, foreshadowing the exact day was.
Syria either Russian territory, or a self-governing entity within Russia rather like a US State
It placed itself under formal Russian leadership in 2015 in response to Cabalist backed attacks from Israel, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russia%E2%80%93Syria%E2%80%93Iran%E2%80%93Iraq_coalition
There's some deep history here I can't really go into right now, but the Syrian "Civil" War was really just another Ukraine- Cabalist invasions to steal legally Russian territory
This is exactly what they wanted to happen. They know we’ll get drawn in at some point