I'm not sure which maps to believe, but I am not sure all of the Novorussyia is under Russian control currently.
I think if Russia gets to control any territory it would need to already be under their current control. I believe they control the Donbas, bit not sure about the rest.
Personally, I consider NATO a bigger threat to the US than Russia. I think most of Europe has been jealous of America for a very long time. Mainly because they are a bunch of control freaks (see modern censorship and lack of medical freedom and lack of freedom of speech as examples) that can't stand the American way of life, a government built on We The People being in charge and not kings, queens, or oligarchs. I know we have a lot to do to restore our Republic, but in principle, it's a much different government than European governments.
Russia is Nationalist. The US has become more Nationalist.
To me, nationalist simply means taking care of your own house before worrying about your neighbors. We have many things to fix before we need to worry about fixing the world.
America First is what it's all about.
If Russia wants to be Russia First, how can we blame them? It's what we are doing.
NATO and Europe are also America First, but in a bad way. They want US putting all the money in first. They want US to provide all the military equipment first. And yes, they want US to put military troops in Ukraine first.
We could very easily secure peace if NATO/UK/France/Ukraine weren't so determined to avoid peace and stay in war. They want war. It's obvious. It fuels their money laundering machine. Time to cut it all off.
The four southern oblasts comprise the Donbass and they had plebiscites overwhelmingly choosing to be part of Russia. This was accomplished officially by the Russian government. Now, the only question is to remove the Ukrainian troops that are still in the northern portions of the oblasts.
I'm not sure which maps to believe, but I am not sure all of the Novorussyia is under Russian control currently.
I think if Russia gets to control any territory it would need to already be under their current control. I believe they control the Donbas, bit not sure about the rest.
Personally, I consider NATO a bigger threat to the US than Russia. I think most of Europe has been jealous of America for a very long time. Mainly because they are a bunch of control freaks (see modern censorship and lack of medical freedom and lack of freedom of speech as examples) that can't stand the American way of life, a government built on We The People being in charge and not kings, queens, or oligarchs. I know we have a lot to do to restore our Republic, but in principle, it's a much different government than European governments.
Russia is Nationalist. The US has become more Nationalist.
To me, nationalist simply means taking care of your own house before worrying about your neighbors. We have many things to fix before we need to worry about fixing the world.
America First is what it's all about.
If Russia wants to be Russia First, how can we blame them? It's what we are doing.
NATO and Europe are also America First, but in a bad way. They want US putting all the money in first. They want US to provide all the military equipment first. And yes, they want US to put military troops in Ukraine first.
We could very easily secure peace if NATO/UK/France/Ukraine weren't so determined to avoid peace and stay in war. They want war. It's obvious. It fuels their money laundering machine. Time to cut it all off.
We are simpatico.
The four southern oblasts comprise the Donbass and they had plebiscites overwhelmingly choosing to be part of Russia. This was accomplished officially by the Russian government. Now, the only question is to remove the Ukrainian troops that are still in the northern portions of the oblasts.