GRAPHIC WARNING: Up to 17,000 Slaughtered in Syria as World Remains Silent | The Gateway Pundit | by Collin McMahon
The ongoing genocide of Alawites and Christians in Syria reveals a harrowing reality often overlooked by mainstream media. This urgent call for international protection highlights the dire need for global attention and action.
Send the UN
IMO the UN does more harm than good, like in Yugoslavia and Rwanda.
The UN is a cabal outfit.
I don't trust the news on any of it. I think if humanity wanted to put together an effective peace keeping force, it could be done. I don't trust the UN is that force, so it wad more sarcasm than real.
OK, thanks, got it.
I didn't have my sarcasm unit switched on at the time.
Me either. Too.much hyperbole
Their clothes are pretty clean, and there's very little visible blood for a "slaughter." Perhaps the reason the world is silent is because this is a psyop??
Maybe, I was wondering too. 17,000 sounds too fake. I could see saying thousands but to be so precise is sus. But, we have heard of killings of Christians in Syria already.
I know Trump mentioned about not getting involved and pulling all our troops out. I posted this mostly bc it's not being reported on mainstream media and to see what other info people have on this situation.
Perhaps your reply contains a clue:
"I know Trump mentioned about not getting involved and pulling all our troops out."
Is this a FF attempt to get Trump back in the warmongering game? If Trump is pulling out, it tells me that this "slaughter" is not what it appears to be.
Such a great insight. Yes, it certainly has a ff feel. Although, I can't discount the possibility of atrocities taking place in No. Syria. Again, Trump said these conflicts have been going on for ages. So how to separate tribal warring from deepstate psyop?
Trump is known to make references to Christianity in his speeches. Since the rest of the world is acting as though nothing is happening (perhaps because nothing is actually happening), then it makes me suspect that this event is intentionally being staged to get a knee-jerk reaction out of Trump. If so, they don't know Trump very well.
Bump stock ban was a knee-jerk reaction to (maybe) an intentionally staged event.
The only thing is the fake news media is completely silent. If this is their psyop I would assume we would hear about it more
Nowadays I'm inclined to think almost everything is a psyop.
Sooo many 17's in the news these days and with a spread like this, likely comms.
To be fair many news organizations are banking on the number “17” because they know it cause traction. With this pollution a true 17/Q is much less of an obvious marker
Thanks army. I hadn't considered that.
I notice it's never Christians going out on a killing spree.
It seems to only stem from religions who believe all non believers must be cheated, lied to, humiliated, starved, maimed, raped, and killed.
Christians obey the command by God not to kill whereas the Islam religion permits them to kill those who refuse to convert.
The christian church did that stuff about 1,000 years ago. Now the Catholic church has NGOs to abuse humanity.
Has anyone taken the photos and done an ai check, and also an existing stock photo check?
Not saying, just saying.
That's a great idea. If only I knew how to do that. 🥹
There are Christian settlements in Syria where they still speak Aramaic. So tragic to see this slaughter take place.
I'd be weary of accepting news out of Syria. This wouldn't be the first time they were busted faking a supposed massacre.
Thank you Biden hope your your soul what’s left of it rots in hell
This is what the UK and much of Europe will look like in 10 years. Some of America is heading this way too, about a decade behind.
/\ /\ This is a fact, also USA is set up to be the same way.