I wonder if this extends to Tesla owners and their vehicles since they too are being heavily attacked. I had my window shot out by a BB gun while driving on the freeway. I later found out by a citizen journalist who has been investigating it that Teslas are being targeted in that specific area. So now I’m taking a different route to avoid them.
The castle doctrine, also known as a castle law or defense of habitation law, is a legal principle that recognizes the inherent right of individuals to protect themselves within their own home or any place where they have a right to be, using force up to and including deadly force, if necessary.
They will have no choice but to call it domestic terrorism when it's discovered Actblue (or similar) funded it.
They are certainly revealing themselves as such..
according to the left, this is peaceful protesting.... just ask the burned down cities during the criminal george floyd riots.
And isn't painting swastikas a Hate Crime?
That depends on the perps' skin color.
I wonder if this extends to Tesla owners and their vehicles since they too are being heavily attacked. I had my window shot out by a BB gun while driving on the freeway. I later found out by a citizen journalist who has been investigating it that Teslas are being targeted in that specific area. So now I’m taking a different route to avoid them.
Do you have the "Castle Doctrine" where you live?
SEC should investigate to see who is funding the protesters!
Make that Kash!
Another letter is just what we need lol . Where's the justice for all the BLM ANtifa that torched our cities down ? They need a letter too .