I have virtually no first hand experience with freemasonry. I do believe that they are nowhere near as unified and coordinated as people make them out to be. And people have spun off from them and gone in their own directions throughout history. My theory is that Team Q/Trump see themselves somehow as inheritors of the early American lodges, the ones that founded the nation, before infiltration, and that they are intent on cleaning out the institutuion, and as not willing to give up the Enlightenment national experiment that their masonic forebears set up. It's clear there's been an intelligenstia ruling class that isn't actually Christian for a few centuries now. Trump's painted murals in his Trump Tower apartment are heavy on Apollo themes, for example. But like the early American freemasons, there's a making of common cause now again between tradtional Christianity and the current crop of freemason avengers behind Trump.
I have virtually no first hand experience with freemasonry. I do believe that they are nowhere near as unified and coordinated as people make them out to be. And people have spun off from them and gone in their own directions throughout history. My theory is that Team Q/Trump see themselves somehow as inheritors of the early American lodges, the ones that founded the nation, before infiltration, and that they are intent on cleaning out the institutuion, and as not willing to give up the Enlightenment national experiment that their masonic forebears set up. It's clear there's been an intelligenstia ruling class that isn't actually Christian for a few centuries now. Trump's painted murals in his Trump Tower apartment are heavy on Apollo themes, for example. But like the early American freemasons, there's a making of common cause now again between tradtional Christianity and the current crop of freemason avengers behind Trump.