Kids do stupid stuff at very young ages sometimes. It's probably worse now that the culture has deteriorated so badly that people have to homeschool and raise their children very intentionally, or surrender them to the cultural cancer.
You missed the point entirely. Sure, junkies will be junkies, but some people recover if given the chance. This person was robbed of that chance because of the shit pouring in from our borders.
The man has class, compassion and is our greatest President ever.
I his compassion! 💕
I love Compassionate Trump almost as much as I like Shitheel Destroyer Trump.
Me, too Marvin! This is my definition of a Real who can be strong and tender.
I am also partial to Merciless Troll Trump.
"It's called trolling, it's called we do a little bit of trolling." 😆
Hehe...the perfect trifecta...his awesome humor! 😸
the former "resident" would have been all up in her hair!!
I agree. God is so good. Keep praying.
Why the son took a pill in the first place?
Don't be a junkie, you won't get fentanyl in your body.
Kids do stupid stuff at very young ages sometimes. It's probably worse now that the culture has deteriorated so badly that people have to homeschool and raise their children very intentionally, or surrender them to the cultural cancer.
You missed the point entirely. Sure, junkies will be junkies, but some people recover if given the chance. This person was robbed of that chance because of the shit pouring in from our borders.
When I observe how Palestinian parents are raising their children maybe something needs to change on their end.