It still boggles my mind that a private server kept completely for the purpose of evading public FOIA oversight that was completely hacked by foreign powers, and was administered by an IT guy so incompetent he actually went on reddit to ask how to wipe hillarys name out of anything illegal was Ok'd by the department of justice. And that same DoJ went on to imply they were not going to okay anyone else doing teh same thing, so even they admit it was a crime. DoJ itself fears being arkancided.
It still boggles my mind that a private server kept completely for the purpose of evading public FOIA oversight that was completely hacked by foreign powers, and was administered by an IT guy so incompetent he actually went on reddit to ask how to wipe hillarys name out of anything illegal was Ok'd by the department of justice. And that same DoJ went on to imply they were not going to okay anyone else doing teh same thing, so even they admit it was a crime. DoJ itself fears being arkancided.