The "Act to Provide a Government for the District of Columbia" was passed in the aftermath of the Civil War...
Yesterday the Senate passed "a correction" to the Continuing Resolution after it was passed. This action went quickly and gave me pause about how quickly and unanimously it went. I don't think there was a Roll Call Vote on it (just confirmed in the S.1077 link below. Also noted that this Bill was created and passed on the same day, March 14, 2025.)
Here's what the Daily Digest has in the Congressional Record:
District of Columbia Local Funds Act: Senate passed S. 1077, to approve local funds for the District of Columbia for fiscal year 2025, in accordance with the Fiscal Year 2025 Local Budget Act of 2024, and to establish provisions for the use of such funds.
Pages S1772–73
Maybe there's no connection with this, but just had to share as it seems like a coincidence not to be ignored that I read this article today after wondering about this action yesterday.
Re: 1871 Act cited in this article.
Yesterday the Senate passed "a correction" to the Continuing Resolution after it was passed. This action went quickly and gave me pause about how quickly and unanimously it went. I don't think there was a Roll Call Vote on it (just confirmed in the S.1077 link below. Also noted that this Bill was created and passed on the same day, March 14, 2025.)
Here's what the Daily Digest has in the Congressional Record:
Here's the link to S. 1077:
Here's the link to S.1077 Bill Text:
Maybe there's no connection with this, but just had to share as it seems like a coincidence not to be ignored that I read this article today after wondering about this action yesterday.