its very bad, daughters in advanced degrees relayed horror stories of coercion to force the data to align with research "grant" deliverables. the prof's bully the grad students who then just deliver (invent) what the prof's demand so they can get their grade and get the heck out. then the new grads discover industry just perpetuates the corruption. Food industry is incredibly dangerous and corrupt. do not ever eat seed oils.
I believe this. There are even horror stories of grad students committing suicide after having been pressured into cheating rings for publication.
I have another friend with a PhD in biostatistics. He tells me you CANNOT imagine the levels of fraud in medical pictures, which are manipulated to show results that aren't there as "proof" various drugs work. INCREDIBLY there is no standard program currently used to trace manipulations made on photoshop etc for medical research.
I can imagine it. I've seen it. you know who the worst criminals in the system are? the vile comunist professors. they horribly corrupt our kids. i know students who were so disgusted they walked out of their corrupt phd programs. do not go to university, the putrid puke professors are worthless evil and they dominate the system.
A lot of professors are creepy - there is no denying it. And the creepy ones can be pretty scary. But I'll also say, I've met a fair few who are secretly MAGA and are there for the kids, quietly advocating for truth and beauty and trying to help the next generation.
its very bad, daughters in advanced degrees relayed horror stories of coercion to force the data to align with research "grant" deliverables. the prof's bully the grad students who then just deliver (invent) what the prof's demand so they can get their grade and get the heck out. then the new grads discover industry just perpetuates the corruption. Food industry is incredibly dangerous and corrupt. do not ever eat seed oils.
I believe this. There are even horror stories of grad students committing suicide after having been pressured into cheating rings for publication.
I have another friend with a PhD in biostatistics. He tells me you CANNOT imagine the levels of fraud in medical pictures, which are manipulated to show results that aren't there as "proof" various drugs work. INCREDIBLY there is no standard program currently used to trace manipulations made on photoshop etc for medical research.
I can imagine it. I've seen it. you know who the worst criminals in the system are? the vile comunist professors. they horribly corrupt our kids. i know students who were so disgusted they walked out of their corrupt phd programs. do not go to university, the putrid puke professors are worthless evil and they dominate the system.
A lot of professors are creepy - there is no denying it. And the creepy ones can be pretty scary. But I'll also say, I've met a fair few who are secretly MAGA and are there for the kids, quietly advocating for truth and beauty and trying to help the next generation.