Biden's change was drastic, and immediate. No one, I repeat no one, has surgery to make themselves look like that. He was a normal looking man until he surfaced for the 2020 run.
As has been pointed out by others here, that sort of thing can result from minor face uplifts. And it can even be a bone of contention from the outset, as there is no sharp demarcation between being "conneced" and "unconnected." (I just now looked at myself in the mirror. All it would take would be for a small amount of fat to go away from my earlobe for it to look "connected." The lobe itself is fatty tissue, not cartilage. It is the cartilage that has persistent shape.)
If one hand is impaired, by pain or stiffness, you have to switch to the other hand. It is not that hard to do. My father was essentially ambidextrous. On an experiment, I taught myself to write legibly in about a week with my left hand. So, yeah. Poor mimicry of the right hand letter shapes, though.
Some things change, evolve or degenerate, but some things remain the same. The shape of the "B" you'll notice is very different. It isn't a hand getting weaker, it is made an entirely different way.
I think signatures are more likely to degrade rather that change in the way this one has.
Actually, that is what I observe, and know with certainty, but in advance of a lot of newbies being red pilled, I am working at taking a gentler, more polite and docile tone. Fill in military and longshore approved descriptor here
People change a lot as they get into later years. Signatures can remain the same. I'm going through that, myself.
Biden's change was drastic, and immediate. No one, I repeat no one, has surgery to make themselves look like that. He was a normal looking man until he surfaced for the 2020 run.
And still, an asshole is an asshole, not matter with what hand he is signing…
...and what comes out of it remains the same
People go downhill fast. Especially if dementia is involved. I've seen that happen in real life.
Never saw it connect earlobes, have you?
As has been pointed out by others here, that sort of thing can result from minor face uplifts. And it can even be a bone of contention from the outset, as there is no sharp demarcation between being "conneced" and "unconnected." (I just now looked at myself in the mirror. All it would take would be for a small amount of fat to go away from my earlobe for it to look "connected." The lobe itself is fatty tissue, not cartilage. It is the cartilage that has persistent shape.)
And change which hand he writes with?
Sure, it's "just a stutter"...
If one hand is impaired, by pain or stiffness, you have to switch to the other hand. It is not that hard to do. My father was essentially ambidextrous. On an experiment, I taught myself to write legibly in about a week with my left hand. So, yeah. Poor mimicry of the right hand letter shapes, though.
Some things change, evolve or degenerate, but some things remain the same. The shape of the "B" you'll notice is very different. It isn't a hand getting weaker, it is made an entirely different way. I think signatures are more likely to degrade rather that change in the way this one has.
See: that's what you "think," without any evidence. Opinion fills in ignorance.
Actually, that is what I observe, and know with certainty, but in advance of a lot of newbies being red pilled, I am working at taking a gentler, more polite and docile tone. Fill in military and longshore approved descriptor here