⚖️Massachusetts Air National Guard member Jack Teixeira who caused an international uproar when he leaked highly classified documents about the war in Ukraine said while addressing the court “If I saved one American, Russian or Ukrainian life in this money-grabbing war, my punishment was worth it”⚖️
I disagree that first and foremost is to obey orders. First and foremost is to obey lawful orders. Many Nazis went to the gallows for saying they were just obeying orders. When a soldier finds corruption and illegal crap going on, it should be his duty to expose it as a whistleblower BUT TO WHO? If his commanders are the corrupt ones and it goes all the way to the White House, HOW are you to expose it other than leak the information out on the internet. I think this young man was a true Patriot that tried to expose the WRONG going on in that war. There is nothing worse to me than a group of men over our military that looks the other way when they know the corruption that is taking place and putting lives in danger for a DOLLAR!
I think this young man was a true Patriot that tried to expose the WRONG going on in that war. There is nothing worse to me than a group of men over our military that looks the other way when they know the corruption that is taking place and putting lives in danger for a DOLLAR! 🎯 100% Agreed photobuf'. 🍻
This a Paramount.
I agree SBL'. 👍🍻
From Article:
Jack Teixeira, the Massachusetts Air National Guard member who caused an international uproar when he leaked highly classified documents about the war in Ukraine, pleaded guilty to military charges of obstructing justice at his court-martial Thursday and called himself a “proud patriot.”
In a 10-minute address, Teixeira said he was “exposing and correcting the lies that were perpetrated by President Biden and force-fed to the American people” about the war in Ukraine.
“I believe the Department of Justice was politicized against President Trump and myself,” added Teixeira, who said he acted alone. He called on Trump and members of his administration to reverse his convictions.
“If I saved one American, Russian or Ukrainian life in this money-grabbing war, my punishment was worth it,” he said.
The judge agreed to the plea deal, which calls for dishonorable discharge and no jail time.
Teixeira was already sentenced last year to 15 years in prison after pleading guilty in federal court to six counts of willful retention and transmission of national defense information under the Espionage Act, following his arrest in the most consequential national security breach in years.
no wonder the ""international uproar""... just as can be expected
that sound you hear is the sound of deep state assholes losing their money laundering hub.
Stand tall with your head high, you did what no one else had the courage to do. Good man.
100% , very well said HODLR'. 🫡🍻
How does a national guardsman get such upper level classified material. This doesn't make much sense does anyone know?
He gained access to upper-level classified material through his role as a Cyber Defense Operations Journeyman in the 102nd Intelligence Wing at Otis Air National Guard Base. Think Cyber Defense Operations Journeyman. - I'm not sure if you're familiar with military access/ terms or allowances but I'll try to explain it further. National Guardsmen, like other military personnel, can be granted security clearances based on their job requirements. Teixeira enlisted in 2019 and by 2021 had obtained a Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) clearance, which is one of the highest levels in the U.S. military. This clearance is typically awarded after a rigorous background check, including a Single Scope Background Investigation, to ensure trustworthiness. For his IT-related role, maintaining and troubleshooting classified computer systems, this level of access was deemed necessary.
His job gave him legitimate access to secure workstations connected to networks like the Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communication System (JWICS), which hosts Top Secret and SCI data. This system contains sensitive intelligence from across the globe, far beyond what might seem relevant to a Guardsman’s typical duties...but it gave him the access, especially with his 'type' of access which was "Cyber Security."
Hope that helps a bit. many thanks for the question. It was an excellent one SOGWAP'. -🍻
Beyond just the SCI are read ins for the many compartments, some are standard access with the yellow badge, while others are need to know and access is limited.
True. -many thanks for stating just that. 🍻
Thanks for the response. I held that level clearance until I retired in 04. I guess I didn't realize that guard was given that level of clearance and access. Where I live the guard has hummers and water trucks parked in the yard lol.
Right? And, is he a whistleblower or a leaker? One I'd cheer for the other not so much.
The difference is only context and perspective.
Get this man a coat and a pardon.
However, the Democrat leakers also think they are doing it for a righteous cause-to save Democracy. We can't say releasing classified information is good for Republicans, but not for Democrats.
not a partisan issue in my opinion. if someone sees wrongdoing and call out the people responsible, it doesn't matter to me what party they belong to. Just my two pennies on it. -many thanks for the comment Knotnow' I appreciate it. 🍻
It depends on what was released, when it happened, why it happened, and how it happened.
We will disagree where the line will be drawn, but exposing corruption, to me, is a legitimate reason - R or D.
There needs to be something like an Office of the Ombudsman, outside of the chain of command, to which a serviceman can present these concerns. Now, if that Office is also corrupt, a real problem ensues.
Thus far, all of the "independent" offices have been corrupted. If the chain of command cannot be trusted, we the people - their superiors - need to know.