One time in Michigan they tried to prosecute a pizza hut driver for excessive force because he emptied his clip into the robber. The judge ruled in the driver's favor stating if he has the right to shoot the robber dead, he has the right to shoot him dead dead dead. That second strike made me think of that story.
If Killary had won in 16 and Trump in 20 we would be screwed. Trump got to appoint a lot of Judges. As the plan unfolds we can see why it had to be this way. Even with the RINOs Trump has a lot more power than if he didn't let them cheat Biden in.
We are seeing all these scumbag judges revealed. God wins!
RIP... rest in pieces, suckah.
ISIS is mostly fake- an Israeli false flag organisation. Still, good riddance to bad rubbish,
I'd like to see the same techniques being used here, though
Fake proxy army used to bring real control
Exactly so, not unlike a few in the US
Obama is their founder.
pawn taken off the board.
Hey MS 13 leaders, do you see this? Nuff said.
I hope the evil ones everywhere get the message...this might be you when you least expect it... 💥
The Roman Colosseum Attendee in me just watched that 3 times in a row!
Kek! 😸
Gotta love that second strike...
Absolutely! 💥💥
One time in Michigan they tried to prosecute a pizza hut driver for excessive force because he emptied his clip into the robber. The judge ruled in the driver's favor stating if he has the right to shoot the robber dead, he has the right to shoot him dead dead dead. That second strike made me think of that story.
Great story! I love this judge!
If Killary had won in 16 and Trump in 20 we would be screwed. Trump got to appoint a lot of Judges. As the plan unfolds we can see why it had to be this way. Even with the RINOs Trump has a lot more power than if he didn't let them cheat Biden in.
We are seeing all these scumbag judges revealed. God wins!
Absolutely correct GBA!
you can only warn a person so much till you have to physically talk to them.
wonder if the Mexican drug cartel understand what situation they are in?
They'd better. 💥
That's gonna leave a scar! Kek
that MoFo had a really bad day.........dust in the wind...double tapped his ass too
BOOM Baby! 💥
yep good enough for 2 also lol
That second one was so the fools in the back don't forget.
Do we have proof he was in that convoy?
You can take it to the bank.