Only one thing wrong with this “conspiracy theory; TB is a bacterium, not a virus. C’mon frens, let’s not look like idiots here. And as far are “…that explains increase in TB cases;” my money is on uncontrolled illegal immigration to a large population of (vaxxed) people with significantly weakened immune stystems.
Ok. I made the mistake of saying viral for both. But the context is in the post. Logan is one of the most respected reporters out right now, but we need more information on the TB and HIV covd19 comparison.
She says “sliced” into it…prob meant “spliced;” still don’t know how you combine a virus with a bacterium. I can see how you can modify a bacterium by modifying it with the DNA or RNA from a virus. But I would think that would (could) result in someone infected with the modified TB bacteria perhaps getting COVID or HIV as a bonus, not the other way around. Just thinking out loud.
Only one thing wrong with this “conspiracy theory; TB is a bacterium, not a virus. C’mon frens, let’s not look like idiots here. And as far are “…that explains increase in TB cases;” my money is on uncontrolled illegal immigration to a large population of (vaxxed) people with significantly weakened immune stystems.
Ok. I made the mistake of saying viral for both. But the context is in the post. Logan is one of the most respected reporters out right now, but we need more information on the TB and HIV covd19 comparison.
She says “sliced” into it…prob meant “spliced;” still don’t know how you combine a virus with a bacterium. I can see how you can modify a bacterium by modifying it with the DNA or RNA from a virus. But I would think that would (could) result in someone infected with the modified TB bacteria perhaps getting COVID or HIV as a bonus, not the other way around. Just thinking out loud.
We need to ask Ecohealth alliance and Dr Fauci.
…in some other non-parallel universe 😏