If they were the result of the malpractice treatment, they could have been artificially increased over what might have otherwise been the case. But that is not the same thing as saying "exaggerated," which implies fiddling with the numbers. The grey area is when the hospitals were given financial incentives to call someone "dead by covid" if they had even a remote excuse for claiming them infected with it. So, the number of deaths were the number of deaths (no exaggeration), but the forced miscategorization caused the COVID-associated total to be higher than it should have been. There were various levels of perfidy and it is important to keep the distinctions clear, to avoid making confused claims.
Yes, manipulating the numbers like they did when the vote counts were being shown on the screen and all of the sudden Trump just lost 500,000 votes. Who was the actual keeper of the death reports and providing the numbers to the networks?
We heard about all these deaths and were shown all the scary pictures of refrigeration trucks storing the bodies, but we know the navy ships were never used or the Javits Center in NYC. And then we were treated to the videos of the dancing nurses.
That's because to use them would have folded up Cuomo's game plan of incubating victims in the elderly care facilities. The guy needs to be charged with mass murder. (Along with our own Jay Inslee, who started the play.)
If they were the result of the malpractice treatment, they could have been artificially increased over what might have otherwise been the case. But that is not the same thing as saying "exaggerated," which implies fiddling with the numbers. The grey area is when the hospitals were given financial incentives to call someone "dead by covid" if they had even a remote excuse for claiming them infected with it. So, the number of deaths were the number of deaths (no exaggeration), but the forced miscategorization caused the COVID-associated total to be higher than it should have been. There were various levels of perfidy and it is important to keep the distinctions clear, to avoid making confused claims.
Yes, manipulating the numbers like they did when the vote counts were being shown on the screen and all of the sudden Trump just lost 500,000 votes. Who was the actual keeper of the death reports and providing the numbers to the networks?
We heard about all these deaths and were shown all the scary pictures of refrigeration trucks storing the bodies, but we know the navy ships were never used or the Javits Center in NYC. And then we were treated to the videos of the dancing nurses.
That's because to use them would have folded up Cuomo's game plan of incubating victims in the elderly care facilities. The guy needs to be charged with mass murder. (Along with our own Jay Inslee, who started the play.)