Zelenko arrived at his cocktail strictly from consideration of the biology of viruses. Their reproduction is inhibited or prevented by the presence of zinc in the host body cells. Thus zinc. But the zinc in the bloodstream solution is hindered from permeation into the body cells. A "zinc ionophore" is needed to increase the permeability of the cell wall to zinc. Thus HCQ. Quercetin is also an ionophore. The third element of his cocktail was an antibiotic to deal with any collateral bacterial infection.
The clue on HCQ was first discovered by Didier Raoult in France, their top virologist who was conducting comparative trials (with and without). He had to stop the trial on ethical grounds. The HCQ patients were responding so well, he deemed it unethical to withhold it from the "without" patients.
So, none of this suggests that Covid was a fusion of virus and bacteria.
Zelenko arrived at his cocktail strictly from consideration of the biology of viruses. Their reproduction is inhibited or prevented by the presence of zinc in the host body cells. Thus zinc. But the zinc in the bloodstream solution is hindered from permeation into the body cells. A "zinc ionophore" is needed to increase the permeability of the cell wall to zinc. Thus HCQ. Quercetin is also an ionophore. The third element of his cocktail was an antibiotic to deal with any collateral bacterial infection.
The clue on HCQ was first discovered by Didier Raoult in France, their top virologist who was conducting comparative trials (with and without). He had to stop the trial on ethical grounds. The HCQ patients were responding so well, he deemed it unethical to withhold it from the "without" patients.
So, none of this suggests that Covid was a fusion of virus and bacteria.
Okey dokey then.