This is nothing but an information piece. A hint, that I think was/is a Q phrase. "Saudi Arabia = Wonderland" - Q also, many times said we were watching something ...a "Show". . and said it more than once. For the past few years in my boredom I've began watching and noticing things. Things from - some may remember my reference from a tv show in 2002: The Dead Zone season 2 episode 14 in 2003- specifically talked about Covid and Hydroxychloroquine as the cure. The episodes name was "Plague" - there are many more, - if you want to know what "Wonderland" could additionally be referenced to : look at the tv show "The Blacklist": season 3 episode 4, titled "The Jinn" -it makes reference to a certain person hating his son for being gay so much, he had him castrated and began presenting him as his daughter against the childs own wishes. This child when he got older began a criminal enterprise specializing in fulfilling "Revenge tactics" -or the fantasy/wishes of his clients. Raymond Reddington refers to this enterprise and what this boy has done as being a product of the cabal and calls it specifically Wonderland.
This show has many references to things that we on this board know and recognize but this was one reference among many, that stood out to me and was wondering if any of you have noticed any content, tv, movie shows etc.. words/phrases/acts that go in conjunction with what we've been taught over the last decade, or close to it. Be it an old show or new. Are there any that you have recognized? For me, the hydroxychloroquine for the lung virus was it - until I saw this: Saudi Arabia being "Wonderland" - just as Q stated. It's not that we're living in interesting times. It's the fact we've been living in these hellish conditions and times and didn't even know it. With it being right in front of our faces. Sometimes a good 'movie' can provide a lot of truth and/or background. 'Official Secrets.' Relevant today?
Thoughts? 🤔💭
Thanks for bringing this up.
I don't have anything to contribute specifically regarding "wonderland" at the moment... but, there's certainly a long list of predictive "coincidences", pertaining to the ongoing narrative, like 911 etc.
There are many references and keys in the Stargate sg1 series that line up with Q drops. Several are matched up in the MJ12 PDF. Let discernment be your sieve. There are other non-Q keys there as well, such as the focus on an evil demonic force, the Goa'uld , that embrace "Egyptian" advanced technology and desires for conquest and enslaving populations. They're literally telling us that the evil cabal is "Pharaonic" - and if you follow that line, and observe the symbolism they have used from long ago to today, a picture emerges... one that's been right in our faces the whole time.
I'll check back later, as the comments may jog my memory...It seems to me that this inquiry would be ideally suited for AI given the fact that sifting through video is a tremendous task, that ai could evaluate and filter in short order. That is of course, if it doesn't filter the results for "reasons"...
reasons exactly. Why I don't exactly put my trust in it just yet. - as for what you said I absolutely agree and yes the mj12 pdf, my wife and I got several years ago. We've also studied at length Apocryphal texts : they seem to fill in the missing blanks and I can see exactly why King James did not want certain texts included in the Canon. The Books of Enoch are especially telling for us. Amazing to have had the very minutes, seconds, stars, months, seasons, realms of Heaven itself along with doors that when open both above and below "the waters" open up. I fear they've taken out too many things to dumb people down that would if it were to make it main stream would give people no other option than to realize "there is a God" and "our Bible is True." getting back to predictive programming, your idea of utilizing A.I. to sift the videos is an excellent one. Wish I'd thought of it before actually doing this post. lol Either way, -many thanks again for your opinions and information that you bring here friend. Don't be afraid to comment more if something else pops in your head. - very much appreciated TaQo 🍻
If viewed through the lens of taking what's written literally, yes would seem so.
However, when viewed as allegory and code, and you discover it gives instructions to those with eyes to see and ears to hear, how to meet the Christ within yourself - which has been hidden from those who would pervert or remove this information, which is still in there.
Agreed. Didn't want to leave you hanging-but just took my meds and am hittin' the sack, but will answer everyone back when we get up. many thanks for contributing to this post TaQo, as always, your input means alot - as does everyone elses', but you my friend are one of my favs, demented but still a fav. i'll catch you on the flip side friend. 🍻😴💤
LoL sleep well my friend.
Taken out or left in or out would all be as necessary for who/what ever.
Watch this :
If you question God's ability to communicate or The Force if you prefer because Nairobi Ben-Kanobi here clearly has had an epiphany . And given that:
"Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you." --Luke 17 :21 -1599 Geneva
he clearly wants individual communication.
Wonderland...Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (1 August 1924 – 23 January 2015) Just coincidently died as our Trump journey was taking off and it is said alot of rabbits fell into Alice's world there. Sometimes it just is what it is , or rather was.
I totally agree with you about Stargate SG-1 being full of things that look very different to me now knowing what I know since Q.
Another series my mind keeps going back to because of the biological tech is "Dark Matter". Also a lot of MK-Ultra type stuff going on in that short-lived show. I think it was from the same folks who did SG1. Been quite a long while since I watched it but have been meaning to watch it again in light of what we all now know about the good and evil that has been going on around us that we didn't know to pay attention to.
agreed. they do it w/out us being aware- although now that we are somewhat awakened and aware- it'll make them harder to get there jobs done so far as trying to program us. Not gonna' be that easy anymore. Not with this many people waking up and noticing. especially just us here now talking about all of it. word spreads and when it does, it does not help the enemy out in this case, at all. good comment WTFChuck' - i appreciate what you had to say. 🍻