Since we have more oil and gas than anyone else on the planet, we should sell as much as possible before free energy devices become a thing. Those man-made UFOs aren't using gas or diesel. Bring manufacturing back to the U.S. and make the middle class boom. $150k in CA and NY doesn't go very far. Most families need both parents working and bringing in $300k+ to afford a modest home. Eliminate income and real estate taxes so people can keep something of what they earn. The more you make means the more you keep, not having to always think of the tax man wanting his cut.
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Just one tax: sales. 50/50 fed/state. 33% sounds about right, because the cunts seem to love that number. So that's 16.5% to state and the same to the fed.
And that's it. A one-time sales tax with no other forms of taxation whatseover, collected by seller and transmitted during settlement.
And it doesn't apply to precious metals or other currencies because that is a currency exchange, not a sale of an item. If they want to tax those transactions, fine, but 33% means they will cripple crypto and gold sales. Therefore it must be a subsection of this tax. I think 8% split between state and fed is fair.
No tax on used items too ... Only new items. I am so fucking sick of seeing shit taxed multiple times.
This is basically how the Value Added Tax (VAT) system in Europe works. Effectively, only entities that added value pay the tax - a middle man pays VAT on the initial purchase but refunds it after selling the product. Selling someone a used item adds no value.
Although the western European countries all charge other types of taxes as well.
VAT tends to be around 20% in Europe, so would be like a 20% sales tax in the US, only that it's built into the price you pay/see on the shelf. A bit higher in Hungary due to low income and very low other taxes, lower in Switzerland due to many things covered by government being covered either privately or by the Canton (state).
It could be fiver percent each and they would kill it making bank