With the JFK Files coming out soon, I wanted to pass along this little piece of paper that has recently surfaced in my circle. More in the comments.

My Criminal Law professor was G. Robert Blakey, who was the Chief Counsel on the 1977 US House Committee on Assassinations which reopened the Warren Commission findings and did probably the best work on the JFK assassination conspiracy. I've talked at length with him about his investigation and findings.
Whittled down for brevity:
(1) they had several Army enlisted men try to replicate firing three shots over 7 seconds at that same distance and angle of a target moving away from them. All the very average marksmen easily made the three shots with accuracy. They concluded that Oswald could have made those shots.
(2) they could find compelling evidence for a second gunman, whether on the grassy knoll or elsewhere. He said they began every part of the investigation needing to prove a conspiracy before confirming its existence.
(3) they think Oswald was the sole shooter, and there was no such thing as a magic bullet that changed directions in midair. He hated the Oliver Stone movie.
(4) But he said with certainty that THERE WAS A CONSPIRACY between the New Orleans and Chicago mobs and that the CIA was complicit in it, knew about it, abetted it. The CIA feared JFK because JFK had recently told colleagues that he wanted to dismantle the CIA which had become ineffective and insubordinate to the presidency. The mob wanted revenge because they helped JFK defeat Nixon by cooking the results in Illinois, and then JFK went and appointed RFK as his Attorney General who promptly went hard after the mob (my professor wrote the RICO act for the sole purpose of stopping the mob). My professor has heard the wiretaps where Chicago and New Orleans mobsters decide to have JFK killed.
(5) Jack Ruby was a low level mob flunky who ran a mob bar. He was diagnosed with terminal cancer and he was promised that his wife would get ownership of the bar if he killed Oswald in the police station. He knew it was a suicide mission. It is unknown if Ruby really had cancer or if he was duped by a mob doctor.
I hope all this comes out today after all.
I find it interesting that he didn’t take into consideration JFK’s head snapping back from the second shot (Zapruder film.)
I now really want to know what Dorothy Kilgallen found out that got her killed 😢