With the JFK Files coming out soon, I wanted to pass along this little piece of paper that has recently surfaced in my circle. More in the comments.

He might be, but your reasoning doesn’t hold water.
“”Define 'game theory'. Why must DISINFORMATION be provided?”” - Q
Q answered "no" to the question of - is JFK Jr alive? 2611
It's not my reasoning. It is a direct reply from Q. Either Q told the truth or he lied to me.
Again, not my reasoning. 2611
“”Again””, Q directly said disinformation is necessary.
Because of that I highly discourage you from thinking everything Q said is written in stone, but you do you!
JFK Jr. is dead. I hate to be the one to break it to you.
Is there other posts you believe to be lies. I ask because, if Q is a liar, why are you here? What would be the point of this community? Why would anyone ever link to a Q drop?
There are some that I see who it seems to embrace the disinformation angle so that they can ignore posts to fit their belief system. Which is, (I will quote an old rocker) worthless and weak.
Again. Zero evidence Kennedy is alive. And zero is less than some. It is even less than a wish. This time zero is equal to a Q post.
Let’s get one thing Straight, “John John is that you” was humor.
Now that I’ve spelt that out we can move to my point, WHICH IS, Q Has in-fact told us and billions of others, things that are not factual. Does that make the Q team liars? Well,,,, I guess that depends on how much of a Pauli Anna you are.
I don’t know you personally, but I’m going to assume you know this all too well and are just playing the role you were assigned. For everyone else who’s new to this place and stumbled into it I bet this place is blowing your mind, WELCOME, damn glad to have you!