I mean what are we actually expecting here guys? There hasnt been screaming from rooftops, there hasnt been a thousand lawsuits to handpicked far left activist judges in a futile attempt to stop the release. I think this will be a step in the right direction but im hedging my bets on anything earth shattering, bcuz the resistance to this has been virtually nil
I mean what are we actually expecting here guys? There hasnt been screaming from rooftops, there hasnt been a thousand lawsuits to handpicked far left activist judges in a futile attempt to stop the release. I think this will be a step in the right direction but im hedging my bets on anything earth shattering, bcuz the resistance to this has been virtually nil
8 years ago pre-release the documents were broken into and some were stolen.
They had decades to remove what they want removed. The rest is placebo.
I imagine that most of it was sanitized decades ago, if it was even put into the archives in the first place.
Probably releasing very important information such as the tire pressure on the convertible the day JFK was killed.
Weather report as well lol
I read Trump supposedly said no redactions.