When was it installed? Did any other President make use of it?
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POTUS is showing us that it is not necessary, he can sign exec orders anywhere. I don't think there is any law that it has to be done in the White House.
It’s necessary if you want to sign thousands of “pardons” with in days or hours.
Or to stealthily give people who aren't the president the power to give pardons
I was wondering how Trumps hands don't cramp up; with all the signing he is doing.
Presidential executive order/action/resolutions, well that is something that might be done though an authorized signature. It is as old as kingship.
some document may say and the document is signed by some schmuck.
When it comes to laws .... there is Constitutionally no reason:
This all plays out within a 10 day time-frame after Congress has sent a law-proposal to the Presidents desk.
Enter, digitization. By the ability of logging-in into workflow systems, a legitimate decision can be made, it is thought, if and when a decision is made within the framework of the system-rules.
What you see is the tension between old concepts and new approaches. This is worldwide.
Let me put it this way:
If the actions of Presidents are required to be supported by a live-underwriting by hand, than the actions of any man should be featuring a live-underwriting by hand, because a man is the embodiment of rights.
If this digitization is accepted as valid, and in commercial/governmental systems it is, based on the consideration that if in the pre-contractual phase unity of intent and purpose is established ( for example by email; buy something at Amazon or Ebay) than all bets are off.
Enter your digital twin.