Dream on about the inability for use in bombs. Uranium-233 (bred from the thorium) is nearly as good as plutonium-239 for bomb construction. Test bombs have been built and tested by the U.S., Russia (Soviet Union), and India.
In any case, with a thorium reactor, it would be straightforward to produce plutonium-239 from uranium-238, since you only need neutrons to do it.
Thorium reactors are no panacea for anything. They are just another way to get the job done. And you need a conventional reactor to breed the U-233 out of Th-232, so you are still dependent on the thing you are trying to replace.
Dream on about the inability for use in bombs. Uranium-233 (bred from the thorium) is nearly as good as plutonium-239 for bomb construction. Test bombs have been built and tested by the U.S., Russia (Soviet Union), and India.
In any case, with a thorium reactor, it would be straightforward to produce plutonium-239 from uranium-238, since you only need neutrons to do it.
Thorium reactors are no panacea for anything. They are just another way to get the job done. And you need a conventional reactor to breed the U-233 out of Th-232, so you are still dependent on the thing you are trying to replace.