Tit for tat. Entrapment. Free speech. No victim. We need less government I don’t care if he texted a fake 16 year old. They can drive for crying out loud. They can make their own decisions. I don’t like this at all. It sounds like giving more gasoline to the media and government and police to use against us. I’m telling you guys, this isn’t the hill to die on. You equate this kind of stuff with actual child rape and you’re really taking away the evil of child rape.
Hung, drawn and quartered?
Hanged- unless the pedophile in question is a tapestry.
Never. Quartered, drawn while being hung. You’re brutal.
Had to be a Republican, too.
Tit for tat. Entrapment. Free speech. No victim. We need less government I don’t care if he texted a fake 16 year old. They can drive for crying out loud. They can make their own decisions. I don’t like this at all. It sounds like giving more gasoline to the media and government and police to use against us. I’m telling you guys, this isn’t the hill to die on. You equate this kind of stuff with actual child rape and you’re really taking away the evil of child rape.
I'm glad someone else notices.
not all is well at the Eichorn household this morning!
You said weed them out. the irony is, he would probably get more time if be got caught with weed.