Wow, this TOTALLY ISN'T a FALSE FLAG RETALIATION by the Intel Agencies to shame Trump for doing something they pleaded for him not to do! No way Jose could that be it! 😵🙄
Can't you just fucking hear it ALREADY?!?
"This is EXACTLY WHY Secretary Pompeo pleaded with President Trump to leave well enough alone - he very wisely KNEW that their would be retaliatory actions from deranged people AGAINST OUR BRAVE MEN & WOMEN of.... -- Bill fucking Kristol, probably
A.O.C.: i AgReE wItH mY rEpUbLiCaN c0LleAgUes tHiS wAs ReCkLeSs
Wow, this TOTALLY ISN'T a FALSE FLAG RETALIATION by the Intel Agencies to shame Trump for doing something they pleaded for him not to do! No way Jose could that be it! 😵🙄
Can't you just fucking hear it ALREADY?!?
"This is EXACTLY WHY Secretary Pompeo pleaded with President Trump to leave well enough alone - he very wisely KNEW that their would be retaliatory actions from deranged people AGAINST OUR BRAVE MEN & WOMEN of.... -- Bill fucking Kristol, probably
A.O.C.: i AgReE wItH mY rEpUbLiCaN c0LleAgUes tHiS wAs ReCkLeSs
Matt Damon: MATT DAMON!
Eric Swallwell: ERIC SWALLWELL, eRiC sWalLwElL!!
🤣 ugh. laugh so you don't cry.
We're watching a movie, and at this point I think it's become a comedy.