If our garbage men go out of their way to help, like extra trash bags at curb, some tree branches or other things that take more of their time... I always give them a $10 or $20 tip depending on the thing.
It's easy to leave it in an envelope with a big lettering "TIP" written on it, and tape it to the thing to be picked up.
Never had any problems. Those guys will get out of the truck and take care of whatever it is... without any complaints.
Back when I was a kid the garbage men used to go behind my grandparent's house with a huge rubber garbage can and dump their 2 galvanized cans. Then the city made a rule change and people now had to tote the garbage cans out to the street, I'm sure it was much faster... My grandparents were too old to be doing that, but a couple of cold beers now and then and the garbage men continued to go behind the house for a few more years.
Pizza gift card. 🍕🍺
Good idea
Thank you
If our garbage men go out of their way to help, like extra trash bags at curb, some tree branches or other things that take more of their time... I always give them a $10 or $20 tip depending on the thing.
It's easy to leave it in an envelope with a big lettering "TIP" written on it, and tape it to the thing to be picked up.
Never had any problems. Those guys will get out of the truck and take care of whatever it is... without any complaints.
They are truly unsung heros in the big picture of a functioning society, yet we are told early on they are the worst (job perspective).
God bless you, for tipping them!
This is America, Corporate doesn't want him out of the truck...
That is exactly what I thought. So messed up, but he did me a solid.
I am probably the only guy on the street that always waves to him and he remembered it.
Back when I was a kid the garbage men used to go behind my grandparent's house with a huge rubber garbage can and dump their 2 galvanized cans. Then the city made a rule change and people now had to tote the garbage cans out to the street, I'm sure it was much faster... My grandparents were too old to be doing that, but a couple of cold beers now and then and the garbage men continued to go behind the house for a few more years.
Haha, love that. Yeah, people love people.
Show respect and a mountain follows.
For those that might not understand? Our garbage trucks have only a driver.
No second guy.
So, this garbage driver stopped truck and righted my bin, then disposed.
Easter bonus? fie dolla?
Good idea
I'm flying into Dallas tomorrow and it has rained every single time I've ever been to Dallas....What's the forecast like till Sunday?
You are AOK into DFW tomorrow. Good temp. Winds gone. No storms.
Welcome to DFW,
Go to terry blacks and get brisket. First bite without sauce (We are dry rub state), then sauce to your delight.
Also, each slice is 1/4lb. At 32.90 a lb, expensive.
Ask for the first slice to be burnt end.
Trust me, worth it.
Sunday is good departure day. You are set!
Maybe you need a Facebook account.
What does a Facebook account do?
It gives you a place for your Facebook content.
I have a FB account but do not post to it. I post on GAW and the Donald and email, hehe.