Yes. I made the mistake of believing WE were the target audience. Finally.
I've since realized WE will NEVER be the target audience, our insight and digging will lead other people to the same conclusions without detonating the bomb.
We kinda live in the "plausible deniability realm", where people make the choice to know, and don't need some pundit to agree with us to make it 'true'.
Mods should sticky this post so everyone can see it. Everyone on this site needs to read this article.
I want to add context to this article that I believe will show anons here the bigger picture of this war. Some of you may already know this and some of you may be new to this site.
Sleepydude's article is the epitome of JFK's famous speech "For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy...." He sees the bigger picture of this ongoing war.
He hit the nail on the head on why this is taking so damn long. This Epstein list and every other honey pot child sex trafficking list out there are connected to the same conspiracy. It's all one big bomb. Bigger and badder than the Tsar Bomb (biggest nuclear bomb ever detonated) and one that has far more reach when it comes to destruction.
The purpose of this bomb is obvious to destroy, but what is it destroying exactly? What happens when people learn that most of the CEOs to powerful companies that run the world are part of these lists? Destruction of those corporations. Economic collapse.
What happens when people learn that powerful world leaders are on those lists? Chaos on the streets and revolution. Do you think those in power wouldn't push the big red button to save their asses? But if nuclear war was the end goal and purpose of this list then why go through so much trouble? Because war and destruction is not the end goal of this bomb. It's the means to an end.
A famous letter written by a 33rd degree Freemason, Albert Pike, in the late 1800s stated the purpose of 3 World Wars. We are now heading to the 3rd World War. The goal of the Third World War is to destroy Israel and the Muslim world in one shot (nuclear war) and then all that would be left is the Christian world devastated and disillusioned by the destruction of Israel. At that time all hell would be unleashed onto the Christian world by means of causing a societal collapse.
The letter was "proven" to be a hoax but the two world wars that took place after the letter was written seem too match those wars mentioned in the letter too coincidentally. We know how these demons operate. They must tell us what will happen to gain our "approval" so that they can get away with evil. It's their spiritual way of cleansing themselves from bad karma.
Now what do you think has the potential to collapse society as we know it? The Epstein list and every other list like it.
What is the goal then? Why not just have a nuclear war and end it all? Because the goal Pike described was conquering all major religions at once and introducing the doctrine of Lucifer as the one true doctrine to the world. This would be simple and easy to do once the masses are disillusioned by complete societal collapse on a scale not seen before and after watching Israel and Jerusalem get nuked back to biblical times.
Do you think all the devil worship in the media is for show? It's indoctrination and preparation for what is to come.
This war we face is for the soul of humanity. It's all one giant philosophical question/bet that humanity as a whole must answer. Sleepydude knows the question.
The question is are we worthy of redemption?
If those lists see the light of day without diffusing this bomb then the answer is NO. Nuclear destruction follows and the Devil wins. The Cabal KNOWS THIS and is counting on it.
This entire bomb is a spiritual test for humanity as a whole. The Cabal is counting on us to say that not everyone is worthy of redemption. Once this bomb is lit all the Cabal needs to do is sit back and watch the fireworks.
The White Hats are painstakingly diffusing this bomb with the upmost care. I'm convinced that the lists will come out. It's inevitable. This game of the cabal must end. But it will be on the White Hats timeline as to not destroy all of human civilization. But how do we diffuse this bomb? In order to diffuse it we must ask ourselves, is everyone worthy of redemption?
Sleepydude has an answer:
If we don’t offer redemption, then all there can be is Cabal. Evil, unrepentant fiends who swear off God because they cannot afford Mercy.
This means people need to be offered a path to redemption in order to safely diffuse this bomb. It's a hard pill to swallow. Offering redemption to pedophiles and harden criminals?! I rather have the list come out and we all nuke ourselves back to the stone age. Sleepydude agrees too. But then we miss the point of this war.
This is a Spiritual war. If we give in to our desire to show the normies the whole ugly truth and punish all of the Cabal (grunts and all) we destroy ourselves and give victory to the Devil. What's worse? Giving a path for redemption to some pedophiles and harden criminals or letting the Devil win his bet?
Sleepydude's answer is perfect:
Everyone has skeletons in their closet. Everyone has their vices. If we hold the stance that none are worthy of redemption, the Devil wins. That logic means no one goes to Heaven, because no one is worthy. That’s what Satan wants — Humans in perpetual despair and cast out of Creation. We’ve already been cast out of the Garden, next comes complete (self)deletion of this “mistake” God made.
This is not to say that there are those who cannot be redeemed. Child sacrifice is irredeemable and those who participated in it will be punished in time. Most likely in the shadows. I believe the White Hats believe the same.
Those who can be redeemed are the lower level grunts and those who were forced to play the Cabal's game. I suspect these are all the people who resigned from their positions of power (CEOs and representatives).
When all is said and done by the White Hats and the lists finally come out, we will see if Satan is right or not.
I don't know about you all but I don't want Satan to win his bet. And neither do the White Hats.
I just happened across this SleepyDudes Substack article while looking for something else... and I searched GAW before posting a link to it. And here I am :)
If it was stickied, I missed it. It's a couple days old now, and I don't want to inflame the people that already saw it & grumble it's 'old news' like that diminishes the information given somehow.
Great artical,sleepy dude used to post here for a long time,for those who don't know.
For those who don't know-- how to spell. Artical???? Huh???
Very large hands,and a small phone.
And then there's auto correct. I check my statements every 3 or 4 days and oh boy, auto correct and my fat fingers can be pieces of work.
And i need new glasses.
People who use large monitors on their desktops,can be critical i guess.
Wow! that is a really good insightful article.
I just wonder why Bondi and Trump didn't figure that out before they promised to show everything.
that was for the other players, not us. Pretty sure that was to scare a few people into making a mistake
Yes. I made the mistake of believing WE were the target audience. Finally.
I've since realized WE will NEVER be the target audience, our insight and digging will lead other people to the same conclusions without detonating the bomb.
We kinda live in the "plausible deniability realm", where people make the choice to know, and don't need some pundit to agree with us to make it 'true'.
A pressure move?
Mods should sticky this post so everyone can see it. Everyone on this site needs to read this article.
I want to add context to this article that I believe will show anons here the bigger picture of this war. Some of you may already know this and some of you may be new to this site.
Sleepydude's article is the epitome of JFK's famous speech "For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy...." He sees the bigger picture of this ongoing war.
JFK's famous speech:
He hit the nail on the head on why this is taking so damn long. This Epstein list and every other honey pot child sex trafficking list out there are connected to the same conspiracy. It's all one big bomb. Bigger and badder than the Tsar Bomb (biggest nuclear bomb ever detonated) and one that has far more reach when it comes to destruction.
The purpose of this bomb is obvious to destroy, but what is it destroying exactly? What happens when people learn that most of the CEOs to powerful companies that run the world are part of these lists? Destruction of those corporations. Economic collapse.
What happens when people learn that powerful world leaders are on those lists? Chaos on the streets and revolution. Do you think those in power wouldn't push the big red button to save their asses? But if nuclear war was the end goal and purpose of this list then why go through so much trouble? Because war and destruction is not the end goal of this bomb. It's the means to an end.
A famous letter written by a 33rd degree Freemason, Albert Pike, in the late 1800s stated the purpose of 3 World Wars. We are now heading to the 3rd World War. The goal of the Third World War is to destroy Israel and the Muslim world in one shot (nuclear war) and then all that would be left is the Christian world devastated and disillusioned by the destruction of Israel. At that time all hell would be unleashed onto the Christian world by means of causing a societal collapse.
Excerpts from the letter:
The letter was "proven" to be a hoax but the two world wars that took place after the letter was written seem too match those wars mentioned in the letter too coincidentally. We know how these demons operate. They must tell us what will happen to gain our "approval" so that they can get away with evil. It's their spiritual way of cleansing themselves from bad karma.
Now what do you think has the potential to collapse society as we know it? The Epstein list and every other list like it.
What is the goal then? Why not just have a nuclear war and end it all? Because the goal Pike described was conquering all major religions at once and introducing the doctrine of Lucifer as the one true doctrine to the world. This would be simple and easy to do once the masses are disillusioned by complete societal collapse on a scale not seen before and after watching Israel and Jerusalem get nuked back to biblical times.
Do you think all the devil worship in the media is for show? It's indoctrination and preparation for what is to come.
This war we face is for the soul of humanity. It's all one giant philosophical question/bet that humanity as a whole must answer. Sleepydude knows the question.
The question is are we worthy of redemption?
If those lists see the light of day without diffusing this bomb then the answer is NO. Nuclear destruction follows and the Devil wins. The Cabal KNOWS THIS and is counting on it.
This entire bomb is a spiritual test for humanity as a whole. The Cabal is counting on us to say that not everyone is worthy of redemption. Once this bomb is lit all the Cabal needs to do is sit back and watch the fireworks.
The White Hats are painstakingly diffusing this bomb with the upmost care. I'm convinced that the lists will come out. It's inevitable. This game of the cabal must end. But it will be on the White Hats timeline as to not destroy all of human civilization. But how do we diffuse this bomb? In order to diffuse it we must ask ourselves, is everyone worthy of redemption?
Sleepydude has an answer:
This means people need to be offered a path to redemption in order to safely diffuse this bomb. It's a hard pill to swallow. Offering redemption to pedophiles and harden criminals?! I rather have the list come out and we all nuke ourselves back to the stone age. Sleepydude agrees too. But then we miss the point of this war.
This is a Spiritual war. If we give in to our desire to show the normies the whole ugly truth and punish all of the Cabal (grunts and all) we destroy ourselves and give victory to the Devil. What's worse? Giving a path for redemption to some pedophiles and harden criminals or letting the Devil win his bet?
Sleepydude's answer is perfect:
This is not to say that there are those who cannot be redeemed. Child sacrifice is irredeemable and those who participated in it will be punished in time. Most likely in the shadows. I believe the White Hats believe the same.
Those who can be redeemed are the lower level grunts and those who were forced to play the Cabal's game. I suspect these are all the people who resigned from their positions of power (CEOs and representatives).
When all is said and done by the White Hats and the lists finally come out, we will see if Satan is right or not.
I don't know about you all but I don't want Satan to win his bet. And neither do the White Hats.
This. A lot to think about, particularly since we're being bombarded with black pills. I agree. This is a must read.
I just happened across this SleepyDudes Substack article while looking for something else... and I searched GAW before posting a link to it. And here I am :)
If it was stickied, I missed it. It's a couple days old now, and I don't want to inflame the people that already saw it & grumble it's 'old news' like that diminishes the information given somehow.
TLDr Israel
This is another great article from SleepyDude