Yes! As a lifelong Masshole resident, I approve! There's a migrant hotel not far from me. A few weeks ago an infant was rushed to a Boston hospital suffering from 2nd and 3rd degree burns from this hotel.
You cannot round them up just like cattle. You still have to identify them first. LOL
AR is doing a great job. Basically all truckers coming through have to go to the weight stations. If you cannot read, write, or speak English, you are cuffed and sent away. My trucker neighbors just got home today and told me he saw them lined up and cuffed.
Yes! As a lifelong Masshole resident, I approve! There's a migrant hotel not far from me. A few weeks ago an infant was rushed to a Boston hospital suffering from 2nd and 3rd degree burns from this hotel.
Oh damn. Bad.
Can ICE round up Commie Shapiro in PA?
Just asking for a friend.
I pray for that every day!
Sick of him on TV everyday being interviewed by major networks.
I'm lucky in that respect in that I don't watch the local news.
This isn't local news. I don't watch any of that.
I see clips about him all over the internet. He is on national shows.
Tnis man is dirty.
ICE is rounding up lots of illegals in AR at truck stops. I cannot tell if they can go for Shapiro. Don't think so.
Only if Shapiro drives truck. Howls.
He would bring them in.
Homan is great
At first I thought it might be Everett, WA (north of Seattle). Guess not...
I thought WA state too. Damn.
People who thought WA, represent! ✋🏻
My first thought. Howls.
I moved from WA so obviously.
They should do Lynn, Lawrence, and Lowell next. In that order.
New Bedford too please. They work at the fish houses and market basket just as a start.
Coming up. I think they need to move around so no pattern recognition.
For the love of God whatever the population of illegals are there don't just leave while taking 5% lol
You cannot round them up just like cattle. You still have to identify them first. LOL
AR is doing a great job. Basically all truckers coming through have to go to the weight stations. If you cannot read, write, or speak English, you are cuffed and sent away. My trucker neighbors just got home today and told me he saw them lined up and cuffed.
Really cool
Yeah, pretty much every restaurant kitchen staff is full of illegals.