Well that answers cui bono AND the ego/evil question with the most obvious answer. And then of course there's that post history, I should have started there, I never would have needed to ask.
Keep on lying exactly like you're doing, it hides nothing while coasting on bare minimum. Transparent account tells like that are the best way you can burn them from the inside. Keep on doing it.
You are an empty shirt. I provide information and you provide nothing but snark. I have not lied and you cannot specify where or in what way. You cannot bear to say out loud "the obvious answer," because it is far from obvious, if it is even an answer. With all your blithe talk about setting up a distributed array of sensors, you have no clue how to cope with the solar neutrino flux of ~ 71 billion per second per square centimeter. That's why all these detectors are buried deep.
I have no idea what your comments about my post history or "account tells" mean. But your handle is well-chosen.
Well that answers cui bono AND the ego/evil question with the most obvious answer. And then of course there's that post history, I should have started there, I never would have needed to ask.
Keep on lying exactly like you're doing, it hides nothing while coasting on bare minimum. Transparent account tells like that are the best way you can burn them from the inside. Keep on doing it.
You are an empty shirt. I provide information and you provide nothing but snark. I have not lied and you cannot specify where or in what way. You cannot bear to say out loud "the obvious answer," because it is far from obvious, if it is even an answer. With all your blithe talk about setting up a distributed array of sensors, you have no clue how to cope with the solar neutrino flux of ~ 71 billion per second per square centimeter. That's why all these detectors are buried deep.
I have no idea what your comments about my post history or "account tells" mean. But your handle is well-chosen.
Thank you.
Thank YOU for your service