HA Trump just went scorched earth on these Tesla terrorists and those who are funding it. Maybe with El Salvador being a possibility plus the 20 years perhaps these fags and cowards will stop
The only part so far that kind sucked but was understandable was when Peter handed him an easy question on who killed JFK.
But really the last person as President to be naming those involved well he became a part of that very question lol
Not mad about it. But imagine if he dead panned looked at the camera and said multiple intelligence agencies within multiple Governments plus other influencers worked together to kill him. Even that would have been stellar.
i never, ever liked that woman. i def had never met her, obviously, was only 1 when JFK got shot, but through the years of watching all of this unfold, i just never seen anything so great about her, ever.
i still wonder where JFK Jr got his good looks from? his sister is homely as hell, his dad was NOT a stud and Jackie was homely, too, imo.
and i still don't like when people compare Melania to her. i think Melania is her own person, has her own style, etc. Jackie O acted more like Big Mike, an i don't want to be here kind of vibe. like she couldn't give two shits about this country. and seeing how her daughter and gkids turned out, i think i'm right about her communistic ways.
a lot of people felt sorry for her because JFK screwed around on her, but i think, after reading some of the documents, that she didn't like him to begin with, didn't think he was attractive, she was just his handler, she honestly didn't care who he screwed.
i think the only reason everyone\anyone was so fixated on Jackie O., was because she was a very young FLOTUS.
HA Trump just went scorched earth on these Tesla terrorists and those who are funding it. Maybe with El Salvador being a possibility plus the 20 years perhaps these fags and cowards will stop
YES....called them what they are: Terrorists! 🔥
The only part so far that kind sucked but was understandable was when Peter handed him an easy question on who killed JFK.
But really the last person as President to be naming those involved well he became a part of that very question lol
Not mad about it. But imagine if he dead panned looked at the camera and said multiple intelligence agencies within multiple Governments plus other influencers worked together to kill him. Even that would have been stellar.
Yeah, but guess that's not in the script, Yet.
This 100%
Got to wake up more people first. MLK files, Epstein etc will bring us to the point where Trump can start calling it out.
I think Jackie O was one of the shooters.
i never, ever liked that woman. i def had never met her, obviously, was only 1 when JFK got shot, but through the years of watching all of this unfold, i just never seen anything so great about her, ever.
i still wonder where JFK Jr got his good looks from? his sister is homely as hell, his dad was NOT a stud and Jackie was homely, too, imo.
and i still don't like when people compare Melania to her. i think Melania is her own person, has her own style, etc. Jackie O acted more like Big Mike, an i don't want to be here kind of vibe. like she couldn't give two shits about this country. and seeing how her daughter and gkids turned out, i think i'm right about her communistic ways.
a lot of people felt sorry for her because JFK screwed around on her, but i think, after reading some of the documents, that she didn't like him to begin with, didn't think he was attractive, she was just his handler, she honestly didn't care who he screwed.
i think the only reason everyone\anyone was so fixated on Jackie O., was because she was a very young FLOTUS.
AMEN to that!