Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 08/26/2020 13:23:33 ID: c02f77
8kun/qresearch: 10426984
Image Name: EgCocuoXsAANrRi.jpg Filename: f49ea83ab5624be344653397c7faf23dab6b751da14191ee5503ebce21329d1f.jpg
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One party discusses God.
One party discusses Darkness.
One party promotes God.
One party eliminates God.
Symbolism will be their downfall.
The Great Deceiver(s). Q
"When the human race learns to read the language of symbolism, a great veil will fall from the eyes of men." - Manly P. Hall
A Thread on the Rituals of Symbolism, Hidden in Plain Sight 🧵
- Luciferian Homage
11:29 PM · Mar 23, 2025
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 06/13/2020 16:45:56 ID: 7e5786
8kun/qresearch: 9601117
Image Name: EaWb3M9WoAALEEZ.jpg Filename: aa46e1027154e55c16c5c2d4032835e6990b57809ff4f3334db184d84a22ecd1.jpg
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Symbolism will be their downfall. They are fighting to regain control. You stand in their way. You awake is their greatest fear. Q
The Harlot, Ishtar et. all question is a very convoluted one for sure. I've yet to completely figure it out. Though I do believe the source of wickedness maybe a woman, go figure ;).
She maybe the Evening Star and opposite to the Morning Star. Both related to Venus. They are possibly the same being, one a good aspect the other an evil one. If this is the case it may have something to do with the eating of the apple. Because Eve ate the apple we need to learn about evil and that is what we are doing here in this "plane". Eve was required to take on an evil aspect to teach us.
I'm unsure if Isis, Asherah and Diana are related to the Harlot, I don't think they are, the Harlot is equated with love and Venus. Diana/Artemis is related to the Moon, Isis is related to the star Sirius and Asherah is related to the Day and/or Sea, along with Trees, possibly the Nymph Melinoe.
The triple goddess Hekate is associated with Asherah and Diana/Artemis along with others and are related to the Moon.
Interestingly to me The Morning Star is the name of that spiked ball and chain that was used for medieval torture. In Ken Russell's film of Aldous Huxley's non-fiction work The Devils Of Loudon, the Mother Superior uses it to flagellate herself with after masturbating, which fits with that Venusian dichotomy theme.
Interesting, so the Morning Star punishes the evil?
I suppose, for the 'love'. Venus is supposed to represent love and erotism but evidently not when compelled to commit a sin of the flesh, like Eve did.
The Venus story is definitely a Rabbit Hole I've got lost in many times.
It seems to relate to Rati and KamaDeva in the Hindu texts and Rati and KamaDeva seems to relate to the Phrygian Myth of Nana and Attis.
The Nana and Attis Myth is particularly sinister and may relate to the Democrats call for everyone to be hermaphroditic.