There is a dude local to where I live and makes them on his farm, the best dang pork skins ever had, with that thick layer of fat and crunchy skin. Now I have to go find him this weekend. Makes good boiled peanuts too.
Like what has been said, you can't stop what is coming. One of the biggest things I do believe coming from this is we the people standing up to the politicians and that group grows everyday. I think even without PDJT with the help of like minded politicians it won't stop till the masses are satisfied with our government.
Haha same my father and grandfather both were so it came naturally, I didn't get into Q movement until recently but all of the stuff in shadows I was told about most of my life. Wish now I would of done it sooner, I had a rather sudden fall from faith and the world in general. At least now I am able to have proof and pass it to my kids.
There is a lot we the people can do, just the law abiding citizens (for the majority) only use physical force when out of options. But if it needs to kick off a dominoes effect will happen and everyone thats is willing to fight for the better and good will come out of the wood works. You obviously haven't done your research on just how much firepower we the people have, they are definitely afraid of the masses and more people would be on the right side when it all comes down, that I am sure.
I didn't see anyone else post this video but take a look at it, I haven't tried to validate or find anything else connected to this video or the sf sgt giving the brief so take it for what it is, finding the back story and proof of this video is on my list just haven't got back to it yet. I would say if you are that strong minded you are doing yourself a disservice by not taking in as much data as possible, even if 1 nug per 100 lbs of shit you would still have more than what you would of had.
It seems to me since the 20th people lost perspective of the big picture and went back to being narrow minded trying to hold onto whatever is there when in reality we didn't lose anything on the 20th, it should not of changed the way we think, process information, and move forward. No one on here actually knows the finish line so we got to keep pushing forward until we cross the tape, and I'm pretty sure we will all know when we do. Stop having a self pity party, makes you and the agenda look weak.
Definitely something is majorly off. Got to look at the details, except in the end only BO looked at the camera, all the colors and over all quality is off. Look past all the buildings and flags. Mainly on BO and watch how the trees sway, its glitchy and robotic like almost but the flags are not. You ever watch branches blow in the wind? They are very fluid and natural looking. I could be wrong but just stuff that stood out to me. Everything in our world can be faked, duplicated, or altered, specially digital content so what makes this any different. We should be questioning everything and discussing
I still have faith, I have 3 kids watching how I react to situations, I'm a pretty resilient and optimistic mother fucker, either by God on their judgment day or by someone else arranging the meeting I'm going to keep going on and doing what I do as each day presents itself to me. The flag always moves forward never backwards. WWG1WGA
Okay I was unaware of that. I have and always had the auto sync and backup data turned off my phone, it has been shitty due to phone going to shit a few times but I keep all important info and stuff I need the old school way using pencil and paper I'm guessing its the same as the ones posted from gab. Thanks for telling me how to do that, see there learned something new today, today is still a great day
Well shit I couldn't find it anywhere and I can barely get on gab to see or do anything. Why wouldn't he say transition to the new administration or something along those lines? The way I interpret it is they already have been given the power or will be getting tomorrow, which means POTUS would of already gave them or will give them before noon tomorrow.
I think this is part of his plan, if he begins to bring them all down why not doing it with the MSM and networks that have tried to silence him have no choice but to have it shown live to the world watching it. Just another way he could say fuck all you bitch ass hoes.
We swore a oath to the American people and the constitution of the United States, not a political party or anything else, they are there to defend and uphold that, PDJT is doing the same there for they are more likely to go along with the plan instead of crusty ass fucking traitor of shitty Joe, never in my time serving was my political party questioned nor did I question those that I lead. Fucking bullshit hope they all die a miserable fucking death, sorry for the little rant, it just gets me fired up
A friend had told me up until now he spoke in favor of our side and today was the first time he has spoken against it and his YouTube channel is gone. I never listened to him so I cannot confirm this personally. Makes me wonder why and who else is flipping their script.
I have 2 teenagers and after some explaining and shown some facts it went from fear of what is happening to hope optimistically looking forward to the future. All my adult friends and family just tell me whatever, but I have told them when it happens I will not belittle them or even say told you so. I will help you process and understand everything. We are going to be the world's support system for mentally understanding the biggest and most significant chapter of the world. WWG1WGA
I can't wait for all the players to go down and from there it trickles down to all the small ones, then hopefully the # of children kidnappings will be a rare circumstance.