Has anyone else seen this? I want to see if we can get a conversation going about it. I am not an expert on the subject in the least bit and a lot of the numbers went over my head, but I just read this and thought, “Whaaat, I need to see what my GAW friends think about this.”

“1) We are covered by an artificial dome made of frozen æther. 2) The dome wasn't part of God's original creation. 3) The æther (source of free energy) is outside the dome. 4) The purpose of the dome is to keep [them] in - whatever [they] are. Our bad luck is that we were trapped inside with [them]. 5) The dome aka the Van Allen Belt. 6) [Their] destruction is almost complete, so the dome will soon be unnecessary. 7) Elon Musk will destroy the dome on the night of November 16-17. 8) The blackout is necessary to reset humanity onto the correct wavelength. 9) We will once again be in contact with God's æther.

We know there's going to be a mass awakening. What kind of event is necessary to make the entire world wake up? Not even a nuclear bomb could achieve that. Changing the sky will make everyone wake up “

MUCH more in the link. I just included the main points.


I may or may not respond to questions, because quite frankly I don’t have answers. I know a lot of you frens out there have some insane knowledge and have more to offer.

And, there was the Tennessee “mass shooting.” What’s going on here? Seems like a lot is happening at once for it to be coincidence. By no means am I good at digging but these have to be distractions for bigger happenings.




I can’t remember but there’s someone who has a site that usually breaks this stuff down in a post. For some reason Neon Revolt keeps coming to mind but I’m pretty sure there’s another person who does a good job connecting things together.


Are there possible comms here? Interesting that the last line mentions Elton John playing at Trump and Melania’s wedding. I also found it interesting song titles were mentioned throughout for certain events such as Beau’s death, Biden’s wife and daughters death, Clinton visits and Trump referring to Kim Jung as Rocket Man and Ruth Bader and Tiny Dancer. I need to read the lyrics for the songs mentioned when time allows. Bring on your out of the box thinking!


Edit: pictures from last night have been added and I’m pretty sure the paragraph regarding Elton John denying to play at Trump inauguration was added. I would have mentioned that I’m my original post of it was there.


He was just hungry and didn’t have one of his “Plant Based” products with him. This is “hangry” on a whole notha level.


Ever heard the “conspiracy” that Jimi Hendrix reinvented himself as Morgan Freeman after faking his death? Yeah, me too. Never really gave it much thought until tonight when I was watching London has Fallen in preparation for the big day tomorrow.


  1. They really resemble each other.
  2. Jimmi Hendrix died, September 18th (today), 1970 in London.
  3. This movie has got me all sorts of excited for tomorrow, even though I’m equally prepared for nothing to happen.

Sorry, I’ve got to get back to watching the movie. All of this is easy to look up. The side by side comparisons of a Hendrix and Freeman are uncanny. Maybe we will wake up to something, maybe not, either way, Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming!



“Monday marked the last day of the public comment period for the Title IX proposals. Public comments discussing the proposal totaled almost 350,000 last Tuesday in the Federal Register.

By Friday, however, the total was reduced to 184,009, Politico first reported. Officials told reporters that a "clerical error" at the Department of Education had accidentally "boosted" the number of comments to the original 350,000. “

“The disappearance of comments on the government website did not come without warning. The government explicitly reserved the right to not make a given comment available to the public, stating, "Please note that while everyone can comment, not every comment is made publicly available to read. Agencies have the option of whether or not to post comments to [the government site.”


Didn’t get to watch it and noticed it’s not stickied any longer. Would love to be able to watch the speech and see the comments from GA thread.


I have quite a bit of paper currency on hand and can attest, there are absolutely none newer than 2017! Talking about green money here, not coins.

Can someone provide the reason for this? I believe I read a commenter on the thread said Trump passed something and could be the reason behind this. I’m very curious as to what all this means. Anyone else noticing this with their money?


The way NASA defines a solar flare really got me thinking. Could “they” use this as a scare tactic? Not only would there be blackouts but hysteria caused by the fear of radiation exposure. Is this what all the PSA’s are prepping New York for?

With the world wide heat wave and a large solar flare heading our way, it could be sooner than we think...



Thanks! Cant get this one out my head. No such thing as a coincidence.... 💉


This story is just horrifying but also unbelievable. They must have been in there for a very long time for 53 people to die and be stacked. The following news stories feel strange to me....

“The Missing Persons and Unidentified Remains Act of 2019, was expected to help alleviate the lack of resources to address unidentified remains, especially those belonging to migrants. But Spradley said there has been no funding so far that anyone can apply for, likely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and so the hoped for relief remains out of sight.”

So covid has caused a lack of identification of dead migrants?

Any pedes live close see anything suspicious? My spidey senses are telling me there is more to this, or it’s even a FF/staged type event or a coverup to something.





Can someone please post the Q delta stating something about “Friday and Saturday” and with “blackout necessary” since we are also being warned of a solar flair. I feel it’s more relevant since Supreme Court pushed opinions another day. I’ve tried searching but the search option isn’t working on site.


Thoughts? Either way it’s looking good.


“Schumann Resonance Today 23/6 13:30 The activity started this morning at 3 UTC is continuing, between 7 and 9 UTC a new strong oscillation of all frequencies led the Amplitude to reach today’s new high at Power 54 around 7:30 UTC, followed shortly after by Power 45. From 9:30 UTC the frequencies show an upward trend and the Amplitude peaks decreased with Power 35 at 9:30 UTC and Power 34 at 12:30.”

45/54- Trump presidential number (45th). 54 is mirrored.....

35/34-JFK presidential number (35th) Was looking for a 34/43 connection but haven’t found anything yet.

Before people jump me that this is a stretch, yeah I can understand why you think that. Just thought it was super cool as I really don’t believe in coincidences.



Let’s hear your knowledge on how to get around vaccinations.

My worry: We are having our third child. This is the first time we are denying all vaccinations. After birth a newborn is scheduled to get Vit. K and Hep B. I do not want the Hep B given to my child. I can understand the Vit. K.

This was brought up to the OB the other day at the 20 week anatomy scan. She basically said good luck finding a Ped. that will see us and that the in house Peds. at the hospital are all pro vaccination. Both of my other children saw only in house doctors while still in the hospital after delivery. She also said if we don’t have a Pediatrition listed that honors no vaccinations at the time of discharge it will be difficult to release us! She sugar coated it by saying they just can’t send a fresh new baby out into the world knowing they won’t be getting proper medical treatment. This blew our minds and really fired us up.

My other two children have received some vaccinations but will not be continuing. We currently do not have a doctor that honors this. We are never sick so it’s not like we really need one, but where does that leave us with the listing the doctor part at the hospital and what if a time arises where we do need to see a doctor?

With the first two we went regularly to the “Well Visits” because that’s what you do in this clown world. Now we are awake enough to see they are only scheduled alongside vaccination schedules. Being our third we don’t have the new parent fears like before and really see the “well visits” as a bunch of crap and know on our own what a healthy and thriving baby looks like.

The only reason delivery is occurring in a hospital is because the mother has had past blood pressure issues and would typically be one of those “historical” women who die in childbirth.

All we want to do is have this baby and get the heck out of there. We are homeschooled so there is no further worry about having to be exempt. There’s just the worry about being denied medical help if a situation does arise. We are now very holistic and heal on our own. It’s just a new ballgame with adding a newborn into the mix.

A lot may change in the next weeks before this baby is born, but we’ve been at this a long time now and there’s always the chance things can get even worse.

  1. What do we need to come prepared with stating we do not want vaccines administered while at the hospital after delivery?

  2. Have you found a doctor that sees your family and honors your stance on vaccinations? If not, will a general practitioner have to see you if you present them with a religious exemption?

  3. If you’ve delivered recently, do they test you for covid?

  4. If we can’t find a doctor that honors our stance on vaccinations what do we list at the time of delivery for the baby’s pediatrician?


Long, but a good listen while driving, cooking dinner, etc. (1:06min)


What’s happening here folks?! Armageddon? Light refraction like they say? Are there any comms that go with this? Plenty of news reports but none from main stream.


Bible verse relation to Blood Red Sky..... https://www.openbible.info/topics/under_a_blood_red_sky

“It’s going to be Biblical!”


I’m going out on a major limb here in saying that I am gifted with clairaudience (clear hearing). There are many accounts in my life that could verify this, too many to go into detail. I am nervous to share on such a large platform but I feel it in my soul to do so.

I “heard” the names Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego very clearly and repeatedly yesterday. So like always I knew I needed to find out why. The chief lesson from the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego is that, we will never be able to bring the world to Christ by becoming like it. They were sent into the fiery furnace for not bowing to the evil kings demands and worshipping idols, and came out completely unscathed. They didn’t even smell of smoke. I believe we will be exiting the furnace soon. Even though it’s been difficult, God has protected us. I was encouraged by the message I received and I hope you can be too.



I cannot find a direct link to the video. You will have to scroll down the page to find the bonus video with the below description. It’s all interesting information but the 13 Constellation video is one I’d like to hear some thoughts on!

13 Constellations There are, 13 constellations, 13 moon cycles in a year & 27-29 days per cycle. Our ancestors knew this knowledge and have divided a year into 13 months. All ancient civilizations used this calendar, which followed a natural order of nature and cosmos, and was immensely more intune with our body’s biorhythm. You can imagine why parasites changed it, and subtracted one month in order to sever the connection between the people and the sun, moon & other celestial bodies, which all have huge energetical influence on our wellbeing. ~ awakenedspecies


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