and don't forgot the funding of the control....."The Pandemic Fund"
Additional context:
Treasury Dept. Blocks Access to 150 ‘Suspicious’ Hunter Biden Financial Transactions
Schwab’s family company, Escher Wyss, exploited slave labor and Allied POWs, manufactured key nuclear bomb-making technologies for Adolf Hitler.
Yes, indeed! i was appalled when i found out what was destroyed.
The DS (devils subjects) loves to destroy beauty. Don't even get me started on burning the South or the 1900+ English country homes destroyed.
These people are SICK!
MITCH's wife - Shanghai-born Chao reportedly has a net worth of $400million
Elaine's fathers shipping company:
Elaines father:
Speaking of 'polish' and plans laid way in advance.
Bill HR632 in 1951 gave Suzy W's (head of youtube and censorship) father and grandmother permanent residency in the US - ...all by democrat john dengell....What an coincidence
Suzy also holds polish citizenship
The amount over the spot price (price of silver per oz) is the premium that the dealers are charging. Silver eagles have an appox 80 - 90% premium charge. Not sure what is going on with the mint/silver eagles but basically its about supply and demand. Other silver products do not carry that high of a premium but it is higher than it use to be. Buy only from reputable dealers
I posted the bill itself too for people to read....the text is there and clear