I hate this thought 🤔💭 Theory 😲💡
posted ago by Afropick07 ago by Afropick07

What if at some point in the trial the judge comes up with some justification to say Trump cannot be prosecuted because he was a former President, thus giving precedent to protections for Biden and Obama and the other crooks?


We dont like illegal aliens so we ship ‘em to them, they dont like guns so they could ship ‘em to us. Win-Win!



As energy has a usefulness and intrinsic value that even gold lacks. It could be traded anonymously like cash like batteries as dollars or as energy storage and quick and efficient transfers becomes smaller and more convenient. Im thinking specifically electrical energy with batteries and capacitors but even gas could be used.

It could be created by individuals with solar panels or bike mounted generators. It could be stored as potential energy in large amounts as heat or pressure and then converted back to electrical energy when needed. It could be networked for large transfers. There could even be large banks that hold energy as a business, but they would not be able to lend more than they hold. Private individual energy storage would be the most secure from government or other seizure obviously.

Wheres the flaw?


Just because red wins this time doesnt mean everything is fixed. It could mean they let one go to pacify we the people. Fight for an audit like it was stolen again. Thorough audits of elections should become the norm. Plenty of evidence of RINO snakes anyway. Even if they were endorsed by Trump, they might still be, and probably are fake.


It would be much easier to unite everybody for freedom if he were a tyrant and mandated vaccines. Even Heels-up would been fighting for “fweedom”.

While he’s at it, he could fight for cancer, so the fake news could push “scientists” for a cure.

Then he should push higher taxes and gun control so to bring out constitutional sheep. Can you imagine, “baaaaa balanced budget baaaa 2A baaaaa.”?

Some sheep will always stay asleep. We just have to figure out how their dreams are programmed. If Trump_says(x) Then Truth = !x; End_if;



I dont know how to research who’s stuff this was so I guess Ill just be happy theyre gone now.

Edit: Ill be more specific. Pedo symbols https://www.biddergy.com/Listing/Details/208063778/3-Qty-Framed-Artwork Kid dancing woth the devil https://www.biddergy.com/Listing/Details/208064778/2-Qty-Framed-Artwork One eye covered girl https://www.biddergy.com/Listing/Details/208076366/1-Qty-Framed-Artwork The ink blot one looks creepy to me too, but maybe thats on me. Haha


And not the other way around? It seems like Maxwell has this created reputation that she’s Quiet and innocent and had no idea about anything Epstein might have been up to. Which accounts for some (only some) of the lack of attention given this case by the media. They are not giving her the “evil” description that she deserves, that they gave Kyle that he did not deserve.

I think at least she’s a willing participant. And is it possible that she was pulling the strings and that Epstein would have ratted her out so she had him arkancided.


Struck up a conversation with a guy while we were waiting at the baggage claim. He mentioned that his son was a Chicago firefighter, so I asked if he was going to be fired for the jab. He said no, His son took it. He took it. He didn't understand why anyone wouldn't take it. I said its a weird new technology. He said we all took the polio vaccine and it worked. I said, “But they've found covid in animals, its not ever going away. It ‘came from a bat’, right? So unless they vaccinate all the bats...”

I was able to then transition the conversation back to firefighting and how my son loves firetrucks. I think this might be the best way to let the red pill sink in. Drop it quick and jump back out before they get too defensive and emotionally tied to their position.


These stats are really going to work against them when they refuse to help unvaxxed people. They’ll have to say that 100% of the patients in the hospital are vaxxed. Thats going to look real bad. And then they’ll have to explain that its because we refused to treat the unvaxxed. And thats going to look even worse.


These dudes need to go away!


So if you have typically 99.97% recovery rate, and the "vaccine" has a 95% (in theory, in practice ~60%, check Israel) efficacy, then after needle you would have a 99.9985% ((1-.9997)*(1-0.95)=0.000015, 1-0.000015=0.999985) recovery rate. So we're talking about a <0.03% difference. Why would anybody do anything remotely controversial for a 0.03% benefit? Why would anybody expect to see differences in the population from a 0.03% benefit? And that is just strictly talking about the benefits in regard to COVID without regard to any negative consequences.

Math is fun!


Future Ad: "Talk to your doctor about what medications earn you free stuff."


Why don’t they just inject the bats with them?

It would be considered inhumane (the irony).


I was getting frustrated. Part of the plan is to sit back and enjoy the show. Maybe the other part of the plan is to take over school boards, run for office, become a poll worker, get active with research. Here's what I've done so far.

-Called local GOP. Not much was happening there.

-Emailed county clerk about voter records.

-Drove down to county office to buy records for Nov 2020 election. ($25)

-Started going through precinct-by-precinct.

-Noticing a lot of issues. Women voting with both married and maiden names. People voting with middle name ("Jay") and middle initial ("J"). People voting from extended stay hotels (maybe sometimes ok). 88 people in county over 100 years old (again maybe normal, but...).

-Learning a lot about neighborhood like, who lives with parents and grandparents. When list is sorted by address, I can tell if there is an little old married couple living there if all i see is two birthdays in a row the same year or close (1920's and 1930's!). When sorted by birthday, it's cool to see the naming trends, Evelyn's and Thelma's all the way up to McKenzi's and Micaela's.

Three requests:

  1. If you're looking for something to do, do what I did in your local town.
  2. If you're looking for something to do, help me go through my county. I'll gladly separate each precinct to crowdsource this. 3.Help me with next steps and brainstorm what we should be looking for to find potential illegal ballots (same name, same birthday, different address; same birthday, same address, different last name; etc.).

I think democrats are taking the vaccine because Trump said to. Deep down they know he gets things done, and they know he doesn’t lie as much as their favorite talking heads say. The combination of the major lefty voices saying “take it” and Trump urging his supporters to take was enough for them.

We don’t just follow the mob blindly.

Not saying that he was orchestrating a depopulation event, just that there was no upside to dissuading people from taking it. They get what they want and are forced to remember that Trump made it happen. We don’t take it and are healthier for it.


I looked for the Titanic on the way into work today. Didn’t see it. I guess it doesn’t exist. Matter of fact, if you think it does exist you’re racist and a threat to our floatacracy.