Everytime Biden rides a bike, I look at his legs. They don't look like an 80-year old's legs - they look like a 40-year old's legs. When he falls, he falls like a 40-year old trying to look frail, not like an 80-year old. IMO. And how does an 80-year old fall so many times without breaking a hip?


Made a comment on a different board about Biden and someone agreed and said 'June...' but don't know what that refers to - anyone know if something's expected?


I have to admit after early 2020 I sort of stopped trying to follow what was going with efforts towards election integrity in the various states, aside from looking at this forum a few times a week. I don't know if things have been accomplished such as changing laws/rules/procedures/positions to ensure the problems of last time are remedied.

Has anyone followed this somewhat closely and speak to if we're in a better position than last time? And where specifically?


I caught a bit of the SOTU which had high-definition closeups of Joe. He just does look like a younger (40s) guy made up expertly with makeup (especially with how good we know makeup can be these days, not to mention AI). A lot could be explained away with plastic surgery, as far as he fact that he just looks like a different person facially than the old Joe. But there's the impression that his stature, how he holds himself - things I can't really put my finger on - don't pass the intuition test. And especially his legs - he someone still looks young and nimble even when falling down stairs or off a bicycle - his legs don't look like an 80 year olds to me - they look fairly strong. Those things you can't fake. It's hard to make a younger person resemble an 80-year old in gait and stature. He looks more like a 45-year old faking being a frail 80-year old than a frail 80-year old, to me.


No doubt much of the anti-Trump hysteria was 'real' (well, it was real to them, informed by much by delusions). But I wondered if a percentage of the prominent anti-Trumpers spent that era creating credibility with the left so that they couldn't be thrown under the bus/called Trumpers when their role in the plan came due - to go on TV and do their part in cementing some new narrative or turning the tide at a crucial moment. The true Trumpers will never be listened to, but if you get, idk, Eric Swalwell or Adam Schiff or some less loathesome figure like a Jeff Flake or your garden variety RINO backing a storm narrative at a key moment...well you get it.

The Baldwin thing got me thinking, considering Darryl Hammond always played the best Trump, but Baldwin ended up doing a very bad and very deranged one for four years straight - his anti-Trump bona fides were cemented with all of America - idk but I consider Baldwin smarter than the type of work he was doing. If Baldwin was implicated in some minor way via Epstein, he could have been used as a pawn all along. Now you get this weird event that seems like a signal to us/psy-op.

If what we believe is true, there must be innumerable agents who have been turned, as well as actual patriots, who are working a very sophisticated game.

I'm sure many are thinking the same thing.


My parents are lifelong Democrats - they are pretty smart people and my pops' knowledge is extensive - he can tell you who the secretary of labor under Nixon was off the top of his head, sort of thing.

And they are good people and aren't wack-a-doo, however they are far too trusting of the media.

I finally lost it watching the PBS Newhour with them tonight, which used to be a decent program. It used to do straight reporting, but has now fallen into the black hole of biased shit journalism like everything else. They haven't done a single report on election irregularities, except to check in every once in a while and talk about how 'questioning the validity of the election is a threat to our Democracy' and all this cryptofascist stuff.

Which is what they did tonight on a political panel. After saying the audit confirmed Biden won, the "political experts" on the panel (one of whom now sidelines on CNN and it shows) spun all this bullshit about how it was a threat to our democracy etc and the head anchor closed the segment by saying how the "misinformation" was frightening, after they just spun it. The Newshour has been this way for years now, but I still cannot believe how willfully dishonest they are being - I used to admire the reporters they had on and now they make me sick!

I ALWAYS just hold my tongue b/c I think for the most part just not talking about politics is maybe the best way to have peace, but I lost it tonight.

This was after an episode where my ma, who just avoids every controversial topic across the board, just refused to engage in any conversation about the repressive and draconian vax measures in our area. I am so tired of just keeping it all to myself.

It is so unbelievably hard to be in a reality that you know others see as fake or crazy. My pops has adopted the language of the pundits he sees on MSNBC - he is a smart guy but has become addicted to Maddow, etc, after not having cable for 70 years. In discussing the audit he'll say shit like 'well then why did this REPUBLICAN (as if that's meaningful) say the election was fine or 'but _some bozo contributed $ to the audit effort' - he won't engage with the actual data, he just attacks it sideways by bringing up peripheral facts about it. He wouldn't watch the hearings back earlier this year because 'anything led by Giuliani can't be serious.' He thinks he is having a fun spar but I am talking about something that is the biggest political story of our lifetime and no one even knows it's happening. Then he'll get pissy when I talk over his points because they are such stupid points and I know where he's going the second he opens his mouth.

It is just so creepy and unnerving to exist in a context where everyone is being played like a fiddle, and yet they think you are the one who is taken. I have to throw my hands up, I don't know!


I live in a very lefty area and lately tons of handwringing on social media about “how will we know who is vaccinated?” The person asking this is always presumably vaccinated.

Do they not understand that them being VACCINATED means that they are VAC-CIN-ATED? I.e. the point of the VACCINE is to protect you against the VIRUS. So why do you give a shit if someone else has it - you are VACCINATED & PROTECTED (other controversies aside).

I think these are some of the stupidest people I have ever encountered. Boggles the mind.

? (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by AlgorithmicFairness ago by AlgorithmicFairness



that the optics would be so so so so bad for anyone on the other side of the aisle - it would look like a blatantly obvious, undeniable coup to the country and world, would stoke unrest in the most dramatic way possible, etc. But with the troop buildup around the area, my imagination was definitely sparked. And I don’t know how to explain that. Maybe it’s a case of ‘create fear to force the enemy to react.’ I don’t have an answer but just to say that.

Since I can’t resist speculating, the ‘come to DC’ —>’Trump supporters are violent and scary’ —> we need military logic still did accomplish a goal of seeming to justify a military presence in DC. You had to have troop buildup around the Capitol, because the narrative was that they were there to protect Eric Swalwell from scary whites. But the ultimate purpose was to make military in DC seem to have a justification, rather than just showing up at random.

I’ve followed Q a long time but not that deeply, and need clarification about the significance of the 15, 10, 5 minute tweet intervals, as well as the ones that break the intervals. Thanks ✌️


I have followed Q since the beginning and never ever dismissed it, but haven’t followed it anywhere near as deeply as many in this board.

So I am not 100% clear on what is expected to happen that will necessitate stockpiling things like food and supplies, as I’ve seen plenty of references to here.

Of course I can understand if a worst case scenario plays out, but what I’m hoping someone can catch me up on is what exactly is expected to happen that’ll necessitate stockpiling, and what should be stockpiled and why.

I guess normies are on board with the idea that the NG is to stop Trump supporters from disrupting Biden’s Zoom inauguration. My question is does anyone know if there are even any Trump people left in DC? The rally was a week ago.