AmorLux 1 point ago +1 / -0

He never stood up and said y'all need to stop. I am nor jr. He is too short for one. Jr was like 6'3"+.

AmorLux 1 point ago +1 / -0

Moroal relativism is a major Liberal philosophy. Oh what does a little xyz hurt. Identity theft. Impersonating someone is..against the law. And the harm done..is immense. Basically the Galactic crap Occupy Wall St crowd infiltration makes us look looney af. None of it sounds Pro America but more Pro Globalist world. I am surprised liberals haven't slammed on this for some's obsession with the very historically liberal Kennedy's. In fact the whole assassination was nothing more than a psyop to get Kennedy in everyone's head guaranteeing the last name Kennedy becomes politician. No one made the connection..Camelot-->King Arthur-->Grail-->Adrenochrome..

AmorLux 7 points ago +7 / -0

Bush..Dennis Hastert who happened to go to Camp Nose Japan with John Podesta when they were young say 22 23 yrs old. Japan..that is another rabbithole.. This has gone on a long long time..CIA was partly created to make facilitation of this easier. World wide web of netwerx connecting Australia and SE Asia..Brennan McCabe Comey FVEY..upkeep..sweepers..but we must get through the non sex.. Evergreen..associated with the Wiccan Horned One..Zeus Mithras Dionysis Arthurian Legend Gawain and The Green Man which is Qabal Samael and Lilith..all the same..Lucifer..the intellectual aspect of Satan. The Left Eye.

AmorLux 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yup someone nailed it. Biden is blaming Trump for taking us back 30 yrs in regard to Equal pay for women.. It is a Trump bash SJW Anarchist Antifa lovefest

AmorLux 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fusca is too short to be jr and why the obsession..Trump was hardcore liberal in the 90s and into 2000s. I don't praise liberals. Trump woke up.. Jr was having affairs..former girlfriends like Madonna..thats tmz stuff. He was wild like his dad. Shame no one speaks of the living sacrifices that the Kennedy's made like sister Rosemary or Ethel Kennedy.

AmorLux 2 points ago +2 / -0

Awwww here we go. Wasn't there a tug with a moniker implicating Moussad? Research Tel Aviv..and ports along that coast.. Where does East meet West. Tel Aviv.. Focus on Jerusalem is just that..look here not there..Tel Aviv has a direct route thru Iraqaka Babylon/Nineveh Iran to the East..travel on land to Turkey I drew a map for this.. Those containers could have anything. Nuclear or other MilTech drugs guns and yeah humans..it sickens my soul.

AmorLux 0 points ago +1 / -1

We now know Vincent Fusca is NOT JFK Jr. but what about his nephew, Jack Schlossberg? or another look-alike in his family that may have been a little shorter? Physiology baby. Still a very democrat family.

AmorLux 0 points ago +1 / -1

I will..no problem. While we are here.. Are you predicating another's patriotism based upon a celebrity. Anons made him a celebrity..and he is untouchable. Why?

AmorLux -1 points ago +1 / -2

Twinflames..a person can be 70..and claim their twinflame is 7. And the description of TwinFlame is totalky abusive..has given rise to an evil I call ghosting that creates pain and sometimes permanent damage to others with the justification..oh he was soooo negative. Maybe she is sooo It all ties to children in the end.

AmorLux -1 points ago +1 / -2

They all Maitreya.. Hitler’s Spiritual Master-Maitreya

There are invisible spiritual forces at work behind the scene that most are unaware of. Once we understand that there is a spiritual influence of both good and bad taking place in the world we can better understand what is being formed and which side we are to be on (Eph 6:12).

H. P. Blavatsky was given “The Secret Doctrine” by the Masters of wisdom through telepathy; in the same way Alice Bailey was given the Teachings by Dwaj Khul, they were channeled by spirit entities that posed as benevolent creatures to advance mankind.

It is well known that the birth of the Nazi Party is connected to the Thule Society. The Thule’s were basically a “secret society” that was in pursuit of occult esoteric knowledge. The Thule Society was formed about 1914, and grew to over 1,500 members. Its membership was varied from all different people.

It included the wealthy, judges, lawyers, police, university professors, scientists, physicians and businessmen. The Occultic Thule Society was named after the mythical hyperborean Aryan culture that is alleged to have existed northwest of Norway sometime before the dawn of history. The hyperboreans were the root race that spawned the current root race homo- sapiens.

The Thules believed they descended from the Aryans, a race of Causcasian “supermen” that lived nearly a million years ago. These same concepts are connected to the occult view of the continent of Lemuria (Mu) and Atlantis.

The Thules were occupied in a propaganda war against the Jews. They convince the German public of a sinister Jewish conspiracy blaming them for nearly all of Germany's problems.

The similarity to the secret doctrine of the occultists cannot be overlooked. “Creation is not finished. Man is clearly approaching a phase of metamorphosis. The earlier human species has already reached the stage of dying out.... All of the force of creation will be concentrated in a new species... [which] will surpass infinitely modern man.... Do you understand now the profound meaning of our National Socialist movement?” (Adolf Hitler, quoted by Hermann Rauschning, Hitler ma'a dit [Hitler Speaks] p.147, translated in The Occult and the Third Reich, Jean and Michel Angebert, p.178.)

Hitler’s ideas about the Aryan race came from the Thule Society. Thule was supposedly a lost island inhabited by a ancient race that were “masters of wisdom” (much like the mythology of Atlantis or Lemuria and the spiritual hierarchy, the White Brotherhood today). Though unseen, they are a superior highly intelligent beings working behind the scenes (as Benjamen Crème states). Hitler believed he was in contact with them and that they gave him power and energy. Through his alleged contacts with this mythical superior race, he believed he was destined to lead the Aryans to rule the world. Hitler's vision of the world was that Germany would unite the world under his leadership which would last for 1,000 years.

AmorLux -1 points ago +1 / -2

Is he really a character..or did he put himself there to create this fervor? I am trying to figure out why people latch on to who they latch on to and why is impersonation acceptable when people go to prison for the same.

AmorLux -2 points ago +1 / -3

My own personal experiences with these types..was never a pleasant one. Hippie communes..thought it was going to be fun cool and learn. No it was roiling work and their weird arsed new age orgies..lots of drugs.

AmorLux 0 points ago +1 / -1

If Richard McKinney..he is a Social Justice speaker for Islamists.

AmorLux -1 points ago +1 / -2

McKinney..see I do not tube..TV..You Tube..I Qalert..observe chatter..all of it. Gives clues as to their mibdset. I will need to research him.

AmorLux 0 points ago +1 / -1

We were Qanon until Q found it necessary to delineate..Q team did this right before MSM began banging on us. There is Q..There are anons there is no Qanons.. Originally the delineation was Anon vs anon. Anon was Guy Fawkes anarchy CIA..look at the logo..we are Legion..the demons cast out of a man by Christ.. vs anons on Chans

AmorLux 0 points ago +1 / -1

It is a song relating to the Rothschildes and Families..young people think we did not know then. We did.

AmorLux 1 point ago +2 / -1

Isaac Asimov's Psycho-History. People patternd are much easier to read than they think. Hang around someone enough and you will know what they may do next. Then add in possible outside factors that could alter the outcome.. People are pretty easy to read.

AmorLux -1 points ago +1 / -2

I can transport stuff from my FB page..it will take awhile.

AmorLux -1 points ago +1 / -2

Occupy Dems (for Bernie) Funded by Soros. You think that funding was free? Dude is not for America but some Global crap. New Age hides more paedophilia than the Catholic Church. This is what will make people sick. JZKnight..Solara En Ra..In5D Dolores Cannon..she was out of Clinton land Arkansas. I can't post screenshots here. Most of my stuff is on FB..ugh. I am suspended.

AmorLux 0 points ago +1 / -1

Their new age aligns with JZKnight Ramtha whose Cult School in SAf was shit down. They found children in tunnels. So why do you defend them? Neverposted on reddit. Can barely maneuver this. Are you for America and America First? Then you should understand. And you do not make sense. Lol I don't even have credit much less take pay whatever it is.

AmorLux 0 points ago +1 / -1

I have American interests. Yes they are the Occupy Democrats that infiltrated with their Crowley Bailey UN New Age Occult Satanism is not part of The Plan darlin. If you love America..fine. People who think America i$ going to fix the world..well The World needs to pay us back for the 100 yrs of financial support and all world debt owed to us is paid back. That's right. The UN gave the world GESARA in 1978 when all debt owed to us was wiped clean.

AmorLux -4 points ago +2 / -6

And I was given -1. Prove he isn't a poser. Anyone making out like he is someone else is breaking the law. Identity theft.

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