AraphelEinSof 3 points ago +3 / -0

maybe you aren't a Christian so bare with me:

Christ knew what was coming. There's even people who say he had judas do what he did. Christ told his apostles it had to happen, not to protect him, not to help him escape, even healed a Roman soldier that came to get him after Peter cut his ear off. He knew he was going to be tortured and crucified. He knew that God would raise him up. He knew that he would be used to teach billions of humans about forgiveness as salvation to prevent eternal damnation, whatever that means.

Its 2021. Your a five year old boy. You are bound and gagged, and have been raped repeatedly, violently, and brought before an alter of baal. Its hot. They put you in it. You scream as 475 degree steal is searing your flesh. Then they take you out. Did they have a change of heart? Nope. You are getting raped again, and their eating you now.

Its 2021. You're a guy in Washington. You have a job. You have family. You have people who care about you. You probably have a car and a home. You probably have access to catharsis and self defense. You wondering how if there is a God, he could do paragraph 1, and allow paragraph 2.

What if in all that occurs, that freedom is the choice of influence, and how far you will go into that choice, with that freedom?

Beyond that, if there is no God at all, and we answer to men only, why is those who delight in wickedness are not met with those who equally enjoy destroying the wicked?

Why is it those who claim salvation, will not destroy those who would rape, cook, and eat children? Does it require hate? If so, I was commanded to love. Who then do I love, if I allow the most vulnerable to be harmed, by the most wicked?

Sir, I am what I preach, as I seek my answers from God in silence, doubting all my thoughts and feelings, I observe them to dismiss them. Then I remember what I already know, as the influence of evil is thoughts and emotions, yet the influence of good is as memory returned.

I have no advice to offer. You need silent prayer so you may listen. I know, because we all do, people who do turn to God and not man, thus you never see them with these sorts of problems. I am not accusing you of anything by the way. God bless you for reaching out. Its better to do that than to suffer alone, with your thoughts screaming louder than any human ever could. With love and respect, Araphel, Ein Sof

AraphelEinSof 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here we go again.

I never said unfallen. The creation story doesn't mention the creation of either. It leaves a lot out. The war in heaven occurred before the fall on earth. Angels were made to manage the material existence. Demons were made to manage the force existence (darkness, gods will and unknowable mind). One maintains existence, the other manages what allows existence. Both were made by God. Lucifer is a fallen angel of light. He fell by defying God, and attempting to be God. He convinced many to fall with him, including many demons. The number of each race that fell was about one third.

Many Christians do not believe that God created demons, but rather, that some beings in existence gained authority over themselves, and were able to recreate themselves without God's authority, and that they could create other things like weed, or whatever else people assign to "the devil." The devil created nothing, demons and angels are separate creations, lucifer appears as an angel of light because he can't change his form because he is not God, and angels did not become demons when the fell.

Mankind fell. Are we demons now? No, stupid question. Why would falling change your entire make up, when it is just a shell for a spirit?

I assure you, a corrupted spirit is worse than a deformed figure. All the scary monsters people make for you to fear, are soft fuzzy bunnies stick in a bear trap as far as God is concerned. We assign a fear value to anything but God. Its why people believe stupid things.

AraphelEinSof 3 points ago +3 / -0

It sounds to me that we need the lists of all disbarred, and have an organization of them to do right. I wonder how to find them...

AraphelEinSof 3 points ago +3 / -0

You mean I'm not alone?! Hurray! Bless you pede!

AraphelEinSof 4 points ago +4 / -0

With love and respect fren, God made both angels and demons, from each, one third fell. Those beings that we battle with are fallen angels and fallen demons. "But pastor didn't say that." There's a lot of pastors who don't say, and excommunicate people who do say. "Arent you just mincing words?" Why don't we like it when the left does that again? Oh right.

AraphelEinSof 2 points ago +2 / -0

As long as you say "atodaso"

AraphelEinSof 1 point ago +1 / -0

look at all these tards in the comment section piling on beanie man over tim saying the same thing this guy said, but in a different way. Reminds me of the left. You folks need jesus.

AraphelEinSof 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lol he said multiple times about physical silver is a good buy and that he has some, but it isn't financial advice. Bro. He harped on what not to buy, which would be paper silver. He said he has silver in his safe, maybe you should too. I know you hate Tim pool, Do you have to hate him so much you out right lie? His last two videos say buy real silver from a dealer in veiled terms. Wtf bro. Why you lying so hard? Why are you saying all this stuff about tim pool bro? Are you compromised and someone is paying you too? You went the extra mile to shit on and misrepresent tim bro, great job trying to make yourself look better for relaying the same info I got out of watching tims videos on the subject yesterday. God bless ya pede. I hope your panties don't get to twisted over being told "you're wrong."

AraphelEinSof 1 point ago +1 / -0

p.s. if it wasn't clear in my other comment: all I care about at this point is saving our country. We were already fixing things. The left interrupts all progress and inserts depravity in its place, then it boasts. I'm living on a prayer from boon dock saints. Say what you will.

AraphelEinSof 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree. Before leftists finished infiltrating academic and medical boards, they declassified gender dysphoria and canceled treatment research. It was found that, gays, pedos, and gender dysphoria patients have similar hormone imbalances. That is why there are pills to make kids "change," but not pills to help them be normal. Personally, being that the gender dys people and gays often have an overlap of pedo probs, and society wants to normalize all of the above, my comment above is about combating kids getting raped, tortured, and eaten. Thats all.

AraphelEinSof 1 point ago +1 / -0

So stop wishing death on them dude, no one is making you.

If you would rather we let children be raped and eaten by tyranny devil worshipers, thats on you.

See I can put words in your mouth too.

I want people to stop raping and eating kids, man. Get em off the earth and back to God.

AraphelEinSof 3 points ago +3 / -0

So if we pay for their surgeries they become sterile and are more likely to commit suicide... we need to rethink this not paying for reassignment. We can trade em for leaving kids alone... are there holes in my theory orrrr????