AsTheWorldBurns 2 points ago +2 / -0

No, I try to stay pretty "moralized" regardless, I analyze things for myself often. However it's easy to get demoralized if you realize no-one is coming to help us. Now, I know WE need to be able to help us, and realistically shouldn't be waiting for a "savior" other than the 1 and only savior. But if a collective just says hold on help is on the way it makes it pretty shitty to hear one of the guys you thought was part of this say no help is on the way. For if that's true, we all are doing nothing in the scheme of things and we should be acting not trying to vote harder. I know how cliché, and what a fed post.

AsTheWorldBurns 1 point ago +1 / -0

True, guess I was just hoping to hear it wasn't something he said.

AsTheWorldBurns 1 point ago +1 / -0

If i find it again!

AsTheWorldBurns 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thats a great idea. I have lost alot of my life in numerous ways. So it seems I am acting out childishly to fulfill that lack of childhood. To make matters worse I was constantly bombarded with negative things in the last 5 years or more. Im not sure what my outlet will be, but Im going to try.

AsTheWorldBurns 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you, and congratulations on making life better on yourself. Im certainly going to try

AsTheWorldBurns 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its scary for sure, the shit you do when you're under the influence. I really appreciate the advice and will take it into consideration. Honestly its easy for me to say never again after those kinds of nights i can't even count how many "never agains" it has been.

AsTheWorldBurns 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am now understanding this. It's exactly what i deal with. It was always easy to tell myself i wasn't an alcoholic because i seriously hardly drink until im drinking.

AsTheWorldBurns 1 point ago +1 / -0

Im sorry to hear that, really. And it shouldn't be a defense that holds up period. Thanks for not beating around the bush. Sometimes its the harsh reality that sticks the most.

AsTheWorldBurns 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yea, it's so hard when all my friends want to go out and have some drinks, and its unbearable to watch, so I either don't go, or go and wake up the next day hating my decision. I wish I could be enjoyable in those environments because they all have a good time and talk about how much fun they had "last weeked" and can't wait to do it again. Wish I was normal ish.

AsTheWorldBurns 1 point ago +1 / -0

Im definitely a binge drinker. I hate it. Its easy to say I just won't do it again, but its something I will have to work on.

AsTheWorldBurns 2 points ago +2 / -0

That sounds exactly like me. I don't drink often at all maybe once every few months max, but have zero control once i have a drink.

AsTheWorldBurns 3 points ago +3 / -0

The scary thing is, I know what the trauma is. Just have zero idea on how to go about it. Even if I talk about it it will always be with me. I don't know how therapy helps because letting it out is a minor relief to something that always comes back. Truly thank you for your response and maybe it is something I will have to learn to deal with in other ways, drinking only makes it worse for sure, and if I keep this up, i will lose the only people that truly care for me.

AsTheWorldBurns 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you, certainly something to look in to. I definitely hate feeling this way.

AsTheWorldBurns 2 points ago +2 / -0

Im glad to see we have nurses and doctors like you. I'd never just jump and assume you were a bad person just because you are in the medical field. Thank you for what you do. We need a bunch of yous to help run the show for sure!

AsTheWorldBurns 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is true, definitely got to adapt. Congrats on everything you've accomplished, thanks for the advice!

AsTheWorldBurns 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks for the insight god bless you as well and have a good night!

AsTheWorldBurns 3 points ago +3 / -0

No this was not an intentional fuck you to the board. It was me over the last few weeks wondering why I or we feel the way we do. In fact Im describing you in a sense because we obviously share these thoughts. I still feel no sympathy for pedophiles and tons of my other points. My statement was wondering or asking for opinions on, what this all means. The bible often says (in my interpretation so far) we are not the judge. But it kills me to think that we should do nothing to these demons, it bothers me that I should be expected to be nice or at least passive to those who wish death or wish suffering on us. This post was selfishly in a sense venting on things I truly know nothing about as I look for input to help turn my life around. I didn't post this here to slight anyone, Im looking for opinions, I'm looking for advice.

AsTheWorldBurns 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is good, thank you for your input. I am trying to read KJV it's daunting and hard for me to understand. One of those things I tend to push away, after rereading numerous passages. I will keep trying.

AsTheWorldBurns 5 points ago +5 / -0

Thanks for taking time out of your life to help. I will take these words in and give honest attempts.

AsTheWorldBurns 2 points ago +2 / -0

I will definitely check this out, I'm glad you got away from your vice!

AsTheWorldBurns 4 points ago +4 / -0

100%. Although I come here because I don't have a lot of people to express and share ideas, or, well just to talk. But definitely understand exactly where you are coming from.

AsTheWorldBurns 3 points ago +3 / -0

No doubt, a sleeve of crackers, and a pack of bubble gum just to feel like you're eating. Lol

AsTheWorldBurns 4 points ago +4 / -0

Lol never had it, wish i could cancel others Disney and get the money hahah

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