Outside just before unloading the coffin the Navy dudes were carrying their guns in a rather higgildy piggildy fashion, they were certainly not perfectly straight.

The mob drawing the carriage had their socks tucked into their pants in a very uneven tardy fashion.

Same mob while at attention had their heads up & down all over the place, one would have thought that the tops of their hats should have been aligned. They were not in anywhere near straight lines either.

Pallbearer at the rear right walking like Lurch from "The Adams Family", I kid you not.

Not long after the coffin was placed one of "priests" up front had what appeared to be an ENVELOPE float out of his "booklet" to the floor where it stayed in shot for quite a while. This could have been a completely innocent moment of this dude fumbling his personal notes, but gee wiz I got excited.

As the coffin was leaving the service, not far past the choir a guard saluted exposing a filthy not so white glove, the palm side of the glove being almost black with dirt/stains.

It was about here that I fell fast asleep so am unable to report any anomalies beyond that point.

All this happened in the span of an hour or two. Goodness knows what other signs of tardiness were on display over the hours it dragged on for.

On a slightly different note, any body hanging around in a coffin for so long should in theory be getting rather on the nose & a bit runny, dripping even. Last time a Queen Elizabeth lay "in state" the coffin actually exploded due to a build up of gas.

If anyone saw other odd, not quite right stuff please let me know.


An Ozzie here with a few GME & AMC shares through eToro.

Finally today I tried to get the DRS gig happening with ComputerShare after months of putting it off.

Apparently it's not possible to transfer from eToro.

From their site: "The eToro investment platform is NOT an exchange or a marketplace, and it is therefore not possible to initiate a stock transfer between eToro and a third-party venue (and vice versa). This means that all positions that are opened with eToro must be closed with eToro."

I tried setting up an account with ComputerShare, but cant get past the first registration screen, it wants a Holder Account Number or Social security number (US). Then I tried to buy some more through ComputerShare but have to be a US citizen to set up an account.

Gosh this is sooooo very frustrating. Are there any Ozzies out there who have figured this out. Sell eToro shares & buy shares via their bank, then transfer perhaps? I really have no idea.

I did find on the CS help page the fact that they have raised the estimated proceeds limit for GME to $9,999,999 million via the web as opposed to the limit of $2mil on all other stock, interesting.


Holy Scaretards Batman, this is just way too weird & outright scary shit Pedes.


Yup thought I saved but, nope πŸ™„


Today, Sept 2nd, a Northern NSW company made a delivery to Brisbane in their Semi. The M1 is open for freight & special exemptions, some essential workers etc only. No blockade. I witnessed a staff member ring their driver to ask if there were any closures, no trucks blocking anything on the M1 between the border & Brisbane.

Google maps shows the north bound lane closed for about 7km, its not really lying, anyone not hauling freight or with a special exemption regardless of jab status cant enter QLD.

No idea whats happening elsewhere at this stage.


This has been doing my head in, just in case you weren't aware Australia has gone full nazi. Im pretty sure they're using the new law & of course the MSM to stop any info getting out. Heres the law I posted the other day. Identify and Disrupt Bill 2021

Have been searching everywhere, the webcams don't show much cos theres no camera on the section of the M1 thats closed on the NSW/QLD border. QLD live traffic webcams

Google maps however clearly shows north bound lanes on the M1 NSW/QLD border are closed. Hover over the red - signs for info. Note the red dots around Dixon St to the right of the M1 all have reopening dates (they're monthfagging I reckon), dots on the M1 have no reopening dates. Ooops, nearly doxed myself, go to google maps Gold Coast Airport, click on layers for live traffic. The M1 is QLDs main Artery :)

So other than the above it would appear to be a total Truckie blackout. This is where ya all are going to start calling Glowie, however all we have left Down Under is the Bush Telegraph (2 tin cans connected by a bit of string), & even thats not working too well just now for some unknown reason....

Just got a call from a friend, I mentioned the Truckie flop, he said oh no, no, no, they are doing it. One of his mates is an interstate Truckie, he spoke with him last night.... I asked for him to call again tonight & ask some serious questions. So far all I know is the Truckies are out in the middle of nowhere on the main arterial roads surrounding Sydney & are there till the gov caves & gives em what they want. The Truckies know the nazi's cant keep it a secret for too long & they have patience. As for the NSW/QLD border, he didn't know.

Will update when more info trickles through.

Am old enough to remember the last huge nation wide blockade, it was pretty serious stuff back in 1979 & went on for a couple of weeks, The Razorback Blockade. Go Truckies :)


A Japanese friend locked up in Australia & pre red pilled, but never heard of Q may be interested in joining a Japanese forum.

Dose anyone have any links/info I could send her?

Thanks in advance for any info you care to share.


Unless the good guys secretly think its no such a bad thing to wipe out a few of us useless eaters, but how many, 4-6%, or more?

We are discovering more & more ways to negate & to some degree reverse the damage caused by the day.

There is a strong theory the DS knows the cure, therefore so does Q.

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