BerrickObamagh 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh man, I actually completely forgot about swine flu. Great breakdown, that seriously reassures me a ton! Even about the end of this lockdown BS, your theory makes it seem more likely that they'll just use it to get trump out, then end it when he is... Thanks!

BerrickObamagh 3 points ago +3 / -0

Honestly, I'm glad to hear it! I think the pressure's getting to me...

BerrickObamagh 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just speculating due to the overwhelming amount of bell's palsy and general illness in vaccine recipients.

BerrickObamagh 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've heard it said that the drug isn't just the one compound, but rather a cocktail of naturally occurring fear-based chemicals named for its primary component. RNA aside, they could just stick a drop of it in the syringe along with salt water or even a real vaccine.

BerrickObamagh 3 points ago +3 / -0

Excellent point! I obviously don't know how the numbers work out, but I see it as an investment of sorts to ramp production to unheard-of scales and eliminate adrenochrome scarcity. Perhaps they have private stockpiles to get them through the shortage?

BerrickObamagh 5 points ago +5 / -0

Worst case: Doom on Trump, not on us. Doom on Q, not on the community he started. I had a friend once with a mental disability, but he was just about the sharpest tool in the shed when it came to politics. This is what he said every time people complained about Bush around him:

"Don't worry guys, we're the REAL president."

Well, we're the real President, Congress, Supreme Court, Governors, Mayors, County Commissioners and DOG CATCHERS in this nation, and we have to start acting like it. I don't care if every deep state monster is wrapped up in chains three hours from now, we ALL have to run for office. After all, Trump did it and:


BerrickObamagh 4 points ago +4 / -0

Some tailors actually fit suits like that for small guys that want to look bigger. I don't understand it but it's actually been recommended to me a couple times, even though I'm fairly fat.

BerrickObamagh 4 points ago +4 / -0

nah, they do it all the time, I'm convinced they could chew through a power substation without hurting themselves.

BerrickObamagh 5 points ago +5 / -0

Definitely adopt! I have two right now, an angora girl, and an albino boy. They're amazing in these tough times, but holy cow do they EVER chew stuff up! Cables and paper are just impossible to keep pristine.

I love them so much, and was looking to adopt another recently, but my local shelter said that they got rid of ALL their rabbits during the fall months! Everyone wants one to help them through the hoax (The trump-supporting lady from the shelter actually put it that way!).

BerrickObamagh 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think we can be forgiven for being a little tightly wound at this point, lol!

BerrickObamagh 4 points ago +4 / -0


While the national guard detains the traitors, the bunnies institute comms blackout worldwide! You never suspect the cute ones, it's why AOC is so evil!

BerrickObamagh 5 points ago +5 / -0

Hahaha HEEEEEELLLL NO! Those bunnies are gonna eat me before I eat them! That's what the chickens, frozen side of beef and huge tubs of dried beans and rice are for! Stocked up here Fren, you?

BerrickObamagh 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's coincidental that you should send such a message. Beyond the bricks, I've been having many tribulations lately. It is difficult to believe I'm made in God's image when I feel the sinfulness eating away at me from the inside, but if I accept Jesus as my savior then I must also accept that about myself... Thank you Fren for your timely and much-needed message of hope!

BerrickObamagh 2 points ago +3 / -1

It really is embarrassing how much he looks like a mall impersonator. Look at the way the right hand one widens his eyes, it's a huge tell. They practice the face to crowds who tend to cheer and want to hear funny lines, so the expression morphs into a goofier version of the real person. I seriously wonder if they got him out of just such a gig. However, I MIGHT be persuaded to believe that he just had a couple strokes and dementia. I knew a lady with Alzheimer's once, and her facial expressions really changed and got weird when she was having an episode.

BerrickObamagh 3 points ago +3 / -0

I actually saw something about some kind of probiotic that was proven to stop tooth decay in mice, like maybe bacteria that don't produce acid with their metabolism? So honestly if Trump pulls this shit off, LITERALLY NOTHING will surprise me after. Don't get me wrong, I believe in the plan, but I am SHITTING BRICKS right now.

BerrickObamagh 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, he just gropes and sniffs all those kids for perfectly normal reasons!

BerrickObamagh 2 points ago +2 / -0

military operations are seldom comfortable for those looking on.

BerrickObamagh 9 points ago +9 / -0

If they were moral people, they might say that looking upon images of such darkness can strike fear into the heart and compel moral behavior (Like the visions of Hell in the Sistine Chapel), but I SURE don't think that's why they're doing it.

BerrickObamagh 8 points ago +8 / -0

This isn't a new problem. Artistic types have always been hedonists. That's why it's necessary to separate the good work they've done from the evil actions they've committed. Not like you're giving them any money, so let the criminals take responsibility rather than punishing a true patriot (yourself)!

BerrickObamagh 2 points ago +2 / -0

dude if you're gonna larp this hard at least it should make sense. How did you post this if you didn't have time to write the word "plan?"