Blue-collar746 1 point ago +1 / -0

I knew I didn’t trust this guy when I saw him on Jordan Peterson’s show, although I have become increasingly disappointed with Peterson as well.

Blue-collar746 5 points ago +5 / -0

I have to culturally conservative friends who love Trump but hate America. They think that America has no culture and stole everything we have. They think that Europe is better in every way and even wanted to move to Italy despite not speaking Italian. I don’t understand it. They also dislike white Americans, despite one being a conservative white woman and the other being part Hispanic and mostly white. I’m getting tired of it.

They’ve helped me out a great deal in life(including red pilling me on Q)and I am grateful, but it’s getting old. I’m not entirely white, only 56%, but I don’t understand the need to look down on others. I’m also pro American and have roots in this country going back before the revolution. They’re kind and generous people but have America Derangement Syndrome. I am so pro American(not pro cabal) and I’ve researched American culture more than them.

Sorry guys I needed to get that off my chest. I love this country like a family member.

Blue-collar746 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed, tbh I’ve noticed a lot of the sites I use for research being taken down. I think a few of them are from whale.to

Blue-collar746 2 points ago +2 / -0

Imo he definitely didn’t really care about Kabbalah. He probably just wanted to seem less suspicious so he added that bit about it in his book.

Blue-collar746 3 points ago +4 / -1

Usually red bracelets are Jewish Kabbalah bracelets. They are apparently used to ward of the “evil eye” according to Wikipedia(not the best source Ik).



Trump USED to have a Kabbalah teacher but obviously he grew wise to their evil beliefs and abandoned it all. Either that or he was playing them.

Blue-collar746 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hope they’re good, but still, healthy skepticism should be encouraged. Tucker has a red bracelet on during this interview for example.

Blue-collar746 4 points ago +4 / -0

From what I can gather, Bill Clinton is “John Doe 36” and will be mentioned over 50 times. I just wanna get the ball rolling

Blue-collar746 3 points ago +3 / -0

Apparently so. That would be a crazy start to 2024

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