Blurpy 7 points ago +7 / -0

who’s guarding the hen house, who’s going to make sure the foxes are held accountable? - exactly.

Answer: Q

If you understand this is all connected, then you know accountability is coming. As Q has said, "No one who plays the game gets a free pass. NO ONE."

As for the price per share, we'll see. It is my guess that this squeeze is designed to break the bank (The FED). Each level of institution is being shown to be complicit in the rigged markets. This will go all the way to Powell in the Fed, Gensler in the SEC, and Yellen in Treasury. The Hedge Funds, The Market Makers The Banks Involved, The DTCC, will all be insolvent - and then the FED Printer will go Brrrrrr.

This whole thing is highly manipulated financial warfare. I don't know the final price, but I am sure it has been decided based on how much wealth will be repatriated to the people divided by the number of shares. How will be it stopped at that price? Just a guess, but I think it will be a downed internet - either system wide, or just financial sector.

I have a theory that there will be a lot of political drama in the MOASS chaos, and Biden (or Kamala if she replaces him), will say "YOU CAN'T HAVE THAT MONEY". Chaos erupts; all against the backdrop of Ghislaine Maxwell revelations, Durham revelations, etc., Then Trump is back in the White House, and he gives us the money.

It is a loose theory, and just a theory, lots of wiggle room in that scenario for flexibility. Some version of this scenario makes Biden Loving Apes awaken to hating Biden, and then loving Trump when he does the right thing.

However it works out, I see MOASS happening, the top number being frozen somehow, Biden/Harris refusing payment, and then Trump seeing justice is done.

It makes sense to me. We'll see. There are as many theories as there are people.

Blurpy 3 points ago +3 / -0

It is clear to me that we have White Hat PSYOPS here, and in Reddit (and basically everywhere, lol) Black hats are shills, and white hats are our Angels, steering the communities to the truth.

Too many coincidences to be random, something I have seen for a long time. We must be close, because it is getting more and more obvious as all these disparate online communities are steered closer and closer together, into a united voice against evil.

Blurpy 10 points ago +10 / -0

Want To Wake the Sheeple up? Turn off their Brainwash device, and have them think Pedo Joe is the one who did it.

Blurpy 5 points ago +5 / -0

You make a lot of good points. It's going to be an interesting show, for sure.

Blurpy 6 points ago +6 / -0

Archegos defaulted in March of this year. Not last year. (Easy to think that, so much has happened!) Archegos failed, and the details of that - the truth - are still yet unknown. We only have the stories from Financial Media, which are useful only in that you know they cannot be trusted. I suspect Credit Suisse is currently very weak financially, and will be one of several permanent victims of this squeeze before it is all over.

As for Black Rock, I believe they were recruited for this - the same way Trump was for the Presidency. They started getting different tasks from the Treasury in 2018, when Trump "merged" (for lack of a better word) the Fed and the Treasury. I think they are white hat whales on Patriots side, we'll see. Admittedly, the water is very murky, and it is hard to tell who is who... but that would be by design.

One thing remains certain: The shorts are deeply deeply naked. In January, court documents disclose that they were 226% shorted. They have continued every trading day since creating more synthetic shares and FTD'ing. They have not covered or closed. Now that retail is recalling their shares and do direct transfers into their names, we will see the squeeze. It will indeed be the "Mother Of All Short Squeezes".

If I am wrong, I am wrong... but I don't think I am.

Blurpy 12 points ago +12 / -0

There is a tremendous game of Financial "Chicken" or tug of war being played in the global economy, right now. Equity prices, inflation rates, commodities prices, energy prices, housing prices, interest rates, and much more are all whipping back and forth amidst a deluge of media propaganda, social media shilling - both black and white hats. Financial Lies are being exposed every single day, and the "Free and Fair" stock market has been outed as completely rigged.

I barely can believe it, and most of the world is completely oblivious to what is happening. The Banking and Political Elites are stuck - if the global economy crashes, they lose everything. If the economy stays the same, they have stagflation. If they push the economy higher, we will have hyper-inflation. This is against the backdrop of the Gamestop Stock Squeeze. ( https://qposts.online/post/3872 ) The big banks and hedge funds are hopelessly mired in that trap through excessive naked shorting, when they tried to bankrupt Gamestop. GME had a turnaround of magnificent proportions, and the shorts are facing "limitless" losses.

The SHF (short hedge funds) have been bankrupting many famous companies this way - Sears, Toy R Us, etc. etc.) And Jeff Bezos among others have benefitted via increased marketshare. Mitt Romney and Bain Capital has fingerprints all over this, too.

Now these "Shorts" are trapped with Gamestop - and the noose is tightening daily. When the squeeze happens, MANY top financial institutions will be bankrupted. Further, the squeeze will cripple the DTCC (Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation - co-founded by Bernie Madfoff!) because after the banks, the DTCC will be on the hook to pay these positions.

Next comes the FED... if the DTCC goes down, the FED printer must go "Brrrrrrrrrr", until the debt is paid.

This is about to be the largest transfer of wealth in human history, if my guess is correct. I personally believe it was designed to be this way. This is not advice of any sort, just one "nobody's" opinion.

Buckle Up.

Blurpy 4 points ago +4 / -0

The important takeaway of this comment to me is that in the show Veep, the V.P. assumes the Presidency when the President abruptly resigns.


At the outset of the series, Meyer frequently finds herself relegated and ignored by Hughes. In the second season, Meyer comes to accrue some power and influence and, by the end of the season, is actively considering challenging Hughes for their party's nomination in the 2016 election. This becomes a moot point when Hughes decides not to seek a second term and Meyer begins her presidential campaign in the third season. Hughes abruptly resigns and Meyer assumes the presidency at the end of the season; the fourth season finds her adjusting to her new role while continuing her presidential campaign, both of which are undermined by a series of scandals.

Blurpy 10 points ago +10 / -0

It looked to me like she made a heart with her two hands, then waved? That's what I saw. 🤷🏼‍♂️

Blurpy 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think the precious metals are being heavily suppressed right now, as part of this financial warfare going on. Silver especially so. Silver is traditionally 1/10 the price of gold, so that would mean it should be at around 170 an ounce.

I have read that gold should be around $3k and ounce... but I just don't know. If we really loaded Fort Knox up with trillions and trillions of gold from the Cabal... it could be a volatile ride in the short term as things all flesh out.

Personally, I am all-in on Gamestop. I am 117% certain it is going to the moon. (By design.) Not advice, just my opinion.

What is another way to say "GAME STOP?"

Game OVER. https://qposts.online/post/3872

Blurpy 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes. Over on Reddit (Superstonk and GMEJungle) there has been much talk and documentation of this.

To condense: New regulations are in effect 10/1 that large financial institutions trading equities must be in possession of 1 Trillion of high quality capital as collateral in order to participate in trading activity. This amount is up from what I believe was just 50 million previously. It is going to squeeze a lot of institutions, it is believed. (I also think it is why the Daily Reverse Repo operations have climbed to a whopping 1.4T!)

Global economics is a really involved subject, lol - and it is not my field. I have traded for a long time, so I am familiar with the basics, that's it.

I think the new collateral requirement, and the Stock Squeeze all tie into Trump's plan, in that it forces these institutions to pile up all the cash they have - so that it will be taken from them.

Many, many, big name financial institutions are going to go under.

Blurpy 2 points ago +3 / -1

dty6 I think that 9/30 to 10/1 is a BIG day for us all. Whether we see much action on Friday or not, idk, but it is big.

The end of the US Fiscal year is the end of business on 9/30. If Nesara/Gesara or something like it is happening, the end of the fiscal year would be a natural time to do it. I KNOW that Gamestop has been working on rebuilding the entire global financial system, using the Ethereum blockchain NFT as a backdrop for it. They have publicly said it, and Loopring (A crypto building company that has contributed workforce to the project) has said it as well. So something big is brewing.

Side Note: Nixon removed us from the gold back dollar 50 years ago last month, and placed us on a petro-backed dollar, essentially a fiat currency.. Those type of agreements are really typical to last 50 years. (One Example: US occupying West Berlin for 50 years following the end of WWII.)

The debts not payable falls right in line with all this, as does Q indicating 10/02 is a big day, and Trump's 21 days of prayer request ending 10/2.

The debts not payable also makes great sense why Trump was spending as wildly as Obama - he knew it was, in essence, free money. He knew we weren't paying it back.

I believe, like most of us here, something REALLY BIG is about to happen. I personally envision some version of Nesara, with tremendous debt relief, a new currency - precious-metal backed, and probably all the serial numbers of the new dollars are entered into the blockchain, preventing counterfeiting. A new stock market, with every trade entered into the blockchain as well, and T+0 settlement (same day trade settlement). This would make naked shorting of stocks impossible, which it should be.

Lots more on the financial front to come, I am sure. In the very short term though, we are in for a wild ride that will scare the sleeping, wide awake.

Blurpy 6 points ago +6 / -0

Interesting angle. Thanks for sharing.

Possibly. We are watching a movie, this whole thing has been settled for some time now, you may be onto something.

Sept. 30th is the end of the U.S. fiscal year. Starting October 1st, All large financial institutions are required to hold 1 trillion in "high quality, liquid collateral."

I think we are coming to the big finale. :)

Blurpy 1 point ago +1 / -0

It shows on the original video clearly, the archived link is a still shot.

The 666 hand signal on this 6 second video is the last 3 seconds:


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