Yes! I have never been super vocal about my views, especially living in a more liberal college town. Lately however, people are dying to talk about stuff and the consensus seems to be 'can you believe this shit?'.
I feel like it's because trading firms locked out option trading and even straight buying/selling of gme today. When that happened the big boys sold back and forth to each other to tank the price trying to make people think they exited their shorts and sell when it's still high before the crash back to real price. The hope is to make people panic so they actually can get out of their positions, my money is that it's a bluff and they are still cornered.
I don't recall a min amount but if there is one it's like 100 or something really low. All 25k does is 'unlock' pattern day trading, otherwise you are limited on day trades but that's no biggie.
I like robinhood. No fees, instant. Some reports of wonkiness using their options but I haven't had any issues.
Well RINOs might be blinder than Dems. Or they got their numbers from 3am polls with no observers.
Well signing a whole bunch of shit he doesn't understand really tuckers ol' Joey out.
What is this, a meme for ants?
Fauci probably remembers it. Fucking vampire.
Woah, woah, woah. Look at big-brains over here suggesting better masks! No, the all-knowing scientists said slap half a dozen cloth masks on and you are golden! They know best, I mean when have they ever been wrong?
Breaking: water is wet. I mean, Russian operations using nerve agents to assassinate someone? That's like a normal Wednesday evening at the Kremlin I feel like.
I think it's possible that religious people tend to be more open-minded to conspiracies. Some people might see that and say 'yeah because religions are a conspiracy!'. However, setting aside whatever the details of a persons religious views happen to be. I think it's more the fact that if someone is willing to believe in a higher power they can't see, then they are ready or more willing to explore things that cannot be easily explained.
To put it in total geek terms, I feel like Putin is lawful evil and American politicians are chaotic evil. Putin wants to get a piece for himself and have immense power, but realises long-term shit has to continue running. American politicians and the NWO are blind as fuck with greed, they don't care about destroying society as long as they are on top as it crumbles.
Boo-boo wah wah.
Yep. Two days in.. "oh whoops, yeah Joe has some issues. Totally not serious, but just so ya know"
Haha. 'Trader Joe's' is the store. It's a grocery store. I mean that's works for ol' Joey Buy-den. You know he's making trades. If you count selling out America to anyone with a buck as trading.
It's old. Pic from June haha. Twatter link
Wow that sure looks EXACTLY like this twitter post from back in June.. twitter link
Call me a pessimist but I think it looks bad no matter what for stock market next week If the plan goes down and Biden doesn't step in, that is HUGE uncertainty which the market won't like plus tech companies and medical would tank. If Biden does get in.. back to lockdowns (i.e. his '100 day's mask plan) and next few months don't look good for most non-amazon businesses.
Before even opening this post I thought "... And they still forced you to download?". My fiancee turned off her auto-update but last night I saw her phone plugged in and updating. She said "I had updates off but they kept bugging me about it so I finally gave in". So yeah haha. I've also heard some people claim it just pushed the update without them saying yes, but who knows.
That's the guy that there was a picture floating around of him sitting on her chair with feet on her desk. I doubt guys on a mission to grab laptops would be stupid enough to stop and pose for a silly picture. People speculated he had the laptop but nothing to say that other than his proximity.
I think it is this phone case Walmart link
Yeah that's one of the most reaffirming things honestly haha. I saw an article the other day 'Twitter deletes 70000 Qanon linked accounts' and I thought "no shit, that looks promising"
Brand new account, first post is this repost. Not genuine. Bot or shill.
Damn I need some glasses you are glowing so bright.
It is so annoying the people that are blind. Just keep in being a leaky faucet. Eventually, once they realise they are the minority they might wake up.