Burritoes4everyone 1 point ago +1 / -0

How is it that the topic of spraying chemicals out of planes for weather modification and research for weaponizing that capability has gone on for almost 100 years and yet here you are submersed in the industry and clueless about any of it?

Should we take or even care about the opinion of someone so naive?

Burritoes4everyone 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly why the conversation concerning the reality that spraying chemicals out of airplanes to “modify’ the weather is real and should be talked about and not dismissed out of ignorance.

Burritoes4everyone 1 point ago +1 / -0

So at the beginning of our conversation you said there was no way they were outfitting planes to do this because of your knowledge in the industry.

Now your saying well they did and have but it wasn’t chemicals or anything harmful.

How do you know? The proven liars with a history of lying told you so?

You admit to them committing genocide through the biological weapon that originally came from the same fort that performed those biological and chemical air tests from back in the day. Coincidence?

Your excuse saying pictures only show firefighters dropping extinguisher is pretty pathetic.

Burritoes4everyone 1 point ago +1 / -0

I do not think laws prevent criminals from being criminals no. Take a look at the pedophiles within the federal intelligence agencies protecting Epstein and all his clients.

Burritoes4everyone 1 point ago +1 / -0


There’s a pretty long history of outfitting planes to spray experimental chemical Mixtures out of planes to try and manipulate the weather.

What is it that you would call spraying chemical mixtures out of a plane that leaves a trail behind it.

How have you been involved in aircraft but so be so naive about weather modification and the entire industry around it?

Burritoes4everyone 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, you misunderstand. What I’m stating is that even with the easy access to fact and evidence being available to read in the 21st century. People are still ignorant and can’t separate fact from myth concerning unicorns and don’t realize that the first description was a real animal and not a myth. The myth was spun out of a real account.

The artists that create the myth are the spin doctors and misinformation agencies that we find ourselves dealing with today. Myths are the fucking problem because people can’t discern through the bullshit and lies.

Burritoes4everyone 1 point ago +1 / -0

“the gates of hell are locked from the inside”. C.S.Lewis

“The gates of hell shall not prevail against her”.

What if this scripture is referring to the church being held hostage and it’s the breaking out that this verse refers? Just a thought.

Taking dominion, as God tells us to do, means gaining the standing on a level and solid immovable foundation of truth.

It is not just knowledge and understanding of the physical Land Air and Water God calls us to take dominion over but it is the LAW we take dominion over.

Land=common law Air=Trust law Water=Admiralty law or business/corporate law

Who is our enemy?

What is it they are a party to because it’s not the constitutional Republic of the united States of America, so what is it?

What is the beast system and how has it gained legal rights to control you and declare their authority over you, a living man? Are you considered in their documents a living man or a dead entity that needs to be summoned to appear? Is it by our own consent, through checking a box and declaring our status that subjects and renders us legally subordinate to it? Does it matter if we are ignorant to definitions and the meaning of words?

What is a corporation? Is it by default a subsidiary of another parent corporation? What was the first corporation created in this country?

what is common law?

Is it possible to correct your status and become a free man, free from agencies that bypass lawful legislation to create statutes codes, ordinances. Free from the usury of a corrupt banking cabal and their private for profit collection agency, the irs, and free from the despotism of private for profit corporation known as the USinc., who through your ignorance usurps it’s authority over you.


There is a peaceful revolution of taking back and reestablishing our republic and it starts with knowledge of the law and what your status is and what it means lawfully and legally.

Restoring our courts is a major battle in this war and our people are ignorant and useless because they believe it’s confined to just narrative warfare and psyops and other people will take action so they don’t have to.

Your right and I agree, it starts in our own households and taking dominion of knowledge and understanding of what our founding fathers actually created and how you can learn how it applies to you as an individual who can then contribute to those around you.

Your Ignorance is the power that gives them authority over you.

Parens patraie by default out of your ignorance.

Burritoes4everyone 2 points ago +2 / -0

I began to read through a little of what that website states and I would like to point out that anyone who is telling you, that you can be free from the corporate construct of fraud and tyranny and still call yourself a citizen doesn’t understand us code and the law.

Acting like a free man and king without having the legal status and paperwork to back it up is a lost cause and it is right out of the sovereign citizen fbi training manual of entrapment.

Burritoes4everyone 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am correcting the paperwork so to say.

Once you begin to learn what needs to be corrected, your status is just the beginning.

Gaining your superior titles and land patents is quite the process, and we are dealing with bureaucratic nimwits.

Burritoes4everyone 2 points ago +2 / -0

You are not declaring sovereign citizenship, that is an oximoron, you are changing your legal status to your status that was given to you at birth, which is a state national of whatever state you were born.

Yes 100 percent you are renouncing your civil rights, privileges and benefits of being an employee of their corporation. In exchange you get dangerous freedom, a seat at the table of “We the People”, your God given rights, limited diplomatic immunity and a chance to learn how to restore the republic and bring this land back under common law and out of the inland piracy of admiralty courts.

Policy, regulation and statute are not law they are corporate by law.

If you invested your social security in the private sector from the beginning you would have been much better off. To say the least, they defrauded you and scammed you. They made a killing while you get to barely survive.

The statement saying you will lose everything you paid into is a half truth. Fraud was committed and fraud vitiates everything. Learn the law and learn the paperwork and correct the fraud.

If continuing in the fraud has an advantage for you by all means have it.

I hope I can encourage you to look deeper.

Truth speaks for itself and once you begin to see it, it all begins to make a lot more sense.

Burritoes4everyone 2 points ago +2 / -0

What I see is the reality of the law that he teaches

What I see is his promotion for you to learn and research the documents he presents.

What I see is the victories in court that verify, time after time that these principles he teaches about law are true.

I don’t like him because he says some things I don’t like is a childish statement and pour reason to hold yourself back.

Burritoes4everyone 2 points ago +2 / -0

State national is the legal definition and status unless you want to be a public servant and hold the title of state citizen or federal which is a us citizen.

There is no doubt that much fraud concerning the irs exists and you can beat them concerning it, but once you find the card at the bottom of the house, it’s much easier and more effective.



Burritoes4everyone 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is interesting.

It sounds like he lifted the veil and started to piece it together. Didn’t do too good of a job of sifting the bullshit, but at least he was confronting very uncomfortable truths.

I wouldn’t doubt the depth of depravity that he found led him into a very dark place, as it will anyone who starts to piece the truth together. Couple that with isolation and indifference from the people you try to explain what you’ve found too and I can see how despair can consume you especially if your submerged in clown world and surrounded by the clown world culture.

Sad story. Sad way to go out.

We’ll see how the rest of the story pieces together.

Burritoes4everyone 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think the biggest thing we can take away from this conversation so far is the fact that chemtrails have absolutely been sprayed out of planes and by your own admittance you have no idea what that looks like.

Using that logic, we can then gather that when death ray looks up at planes he couldn’t tell what he’s looking at anyway.

Burritoes4everyone 1 point ago +1 / -0

No evidence of chemtrails because I haven’t presented that evidence yet.

So far

We’ve established the culprit and we’ve identified who “they” are, being the United States Incorporated and its private corporate co conspirator subsidiaries, mainly revolving around the dod.

We’ve established a long history of abuses concerning the operations involving uninformed populations with no consent or knowledge.

We’ve established the lack of concern and care towards the health and well being of the populations involved.

We’ve established that it is 100 percent possible to outfit planes with aerosolized chemical and biological weapons and can effectively target populations with the desired outcomes necessary to be effective.

And we have established that the current and modern era government is currently conducting biological experiments and warfare upon its people.

Now we come to what the current debate over solar geo engineering is, what stratospheric aerosolized injection is and what this means exactly and how it relates to everything above.

Burritoes4everyone 1 point ago +1 / -0

So now we have on the record,a history of the abuser and the absolute fact that the government has sprayed aerosolized chemicals from planes to conduct biological and chemical warfare operations and their tests were successful and have accomplished the logistics of spraying entire populations and large areas, therefore making the claim that they are still doing it, 100 percent plausible and credible.

We have also established the absolute fact that the government conducts experiments on its own population using chemical and biological agents without their knowledge or consent. Through the Tuskegee experiments we establish that they do not care about the well-being or health of the ignorant population.

We have established as fact that through covid and the mRNA kill shot, the US inc. “government” are in fact still in the business of conducting chemical and biological warfare operations and experiments on its own population without their knowledge and consent.

You know you can convict a murderer with circumstantial evidence.

Why are you so stubborn as to want to continue to defend your abusive wife beating husband?

We can continue to walk through the evidence and establish fact if you’d like?

Burritoes4everyone 2 points ago +2 / -0

Once you realize the truth, the act of tar and feathering for profit private collection agency goons coming to coerce and intimidate you to cough up usury for a criminal cartel of pedophiles seems to be properly justified.

Burritoes4everyone 2 points ago +2 / -0

The depth of a single word, used to pivot the entire realm of his creation as we know it and cement it into eternity.

So beautiful.

Burritoes4everyone 2 points ago +2 / -0

You seem to not understand that it was a traveler and explorer describing in his journals a single horned rhinoceros that he encountered while India.

The artists of the time and through into the Middle Ages took that description that was an actual factual description of a creature that exists and twisted into the myths your referring to.

The problem i am debating you about is exactly why I mentioned it and thank you proving and illustrating my point.

Burritoes4everyone 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m proving many things within that statement, but yes your sharp. unicorns are real.

Burritoes4everyone 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ctesias was the first person to write about the one-horned animal. She quotes from his book Indica, written around 400 BCE:

“There are in India certain wild asses which are as large as horses and even larger. Their bodies are white, their heads are dark red, and their eyes dark blue. They have a horn in the middle of the forehead that is one cubit [about a foot and a half] in length; the base of this horn is pure white … the upper part is sharp and of a vivid crimson, and the middle portion is black. … Other asses, tame or wild … do not have an ankle-bone… but these do have an ankle-bone … the most beautiful that I have ever seen…. This animal is exceedingly swift and powerful, so that no creature, neither the horse nor any other, can overtake it….”

From this account and description artists who heard it, rendered it into a horselike fairytale.

I find it curious that the story of chemtrails is very much the same.


“Zinc Cadmium Sulfide Dispersion Tests

Dispersion tests were carried out in many cities and rural locations with particles of the nonbiologic simulant ZnCdS. A total of 34 tests involving the dispersion of ZnCdS particles were conducted in various U.S. and Canadian locations. Some of those tests involved simultaneous releases of ZnCdS and Serratia marcescens or Bacillus globigii.

During the 1950s and 1960s, Stanford University and the Ralph Parsons Company (both contractors for the U.S. Army Chemical Corps) conducted atmospheric-dispersion tests with ZnCdS particles in Minneapolis, MN; Corpus Christi, TX; St. Louis, MO; Fort Wayne, IN; and 29 other urban and rural locations in the United States and Canada. The tests were purportedly used to develop and verify meteorologic models for estimating the dispersion of aerosols in various environments. However, the real purpose was to obtain information that would be useful for estimating the potential dispersion of BW agents and determining munitions requirements for the strategic use of BW agents against selected cities of the former Soviet Union. The tests were designed to provide information on the dispersion of BW agents over a short distance (for example, within a city, such as Minneapolis), over many miles (Fort Wayne, IN), and over several thousand square miles (Large Area Coverage test).

Operation LAC, which took its name from "Large Area Coverage," was the largest test ever undertaken by the Chemical Corps. The test area covered the United States from the Rockies to the Atlantic, and from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. The tests proved the feasibility of covering large areas (thousands of square miles) of a country with BW agents. Many scientists and officers had believed this possible, but LAC provided the first proof.”

Here is the foundational truth that the “chemtrail” theory exists.

There is no doubt that further evidence exists to build upon this, but just like the unicorn, artists have rendered it into a mythological creature within pop culture.

Burritoes4everyone 1 point ago +1 / -0

What did Yeshua mean when he proclaimed “Tetelestai”, while hanging from the cross.

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