catsfive 1 point ago +1 / -0

Some really thought-provoking insights on the Chinese and US economy here by @gave_vincent, the CEO of Gavekal.

For instance he explains why the stock market is really not that important in China, especially when compared with the US. This is because the Chinese economy is really not that financialized and only a tiny proportion of the Chinese, 10%, hold stocks as opposed to 70% of Americans: "So if tomorrow the US stock market goes down two-thirds, 70% of people feel very poor. In China, if the stock market goes down two-thirds, 90% of people don't care."

He also pinpoints a fascinating paradox, which is that there is much more competition between firms in the Chinese market, and many more bankruptcies than in the US: "I can name you 10 Chinese bankruptcies over the past three or four years of automakers, solar panel manufacturers, real estate developers, etc. Here we are in the Western world, whether in France, in the UK, in the US, and we pat ourselves on the back about how capitalist we are, about how we're red-blooded capitalists, etc. Yet when was the last big bankruptcy? Are we capitalist if nobody ever goes bust? How does that work? How does capitalism work without bankruptcy?"

As he explains, the way the Chinese economy works is that there is stronger management of the market by the government but this paradoxically leads to a situation where the market works more dynamically in creating new companies, as well as destroying companies that don't work anymore. Whereas in the US, where it is arguably the reverse situation with capital having more control of the government, monopolies are being created in most sectors and companies are bailed out by the government in myriads of ways to avoid bankruptcy.

So interestingly we're arriving at a situation where "communist China" might be today the best example of free-market 'creative destruction,' whilst the "capitalist U.S." seems to be calcifying into a form of corporate protectionism where big corporations are increasingly insulated from failure. This really raises fascinating questions on the role of government with regards to the economy... It sort of makes sense when you think about it that when you effectively let capital regulate itself, they'd want to move towards a situation where they can't lose and establish monopolies. And that you paradoxically need a strong referee above capital in order to foster a truly dynamic economic system.

catsfive 7 points ago +7 / -0


  • 1:19: The Inauguration of Organized Political Warfare
  • 11:20: NSC 10/2 and the Plausible Deniability Doctrine
  • 15:08: Diplomacy Thru Duplicity
  • 16:04: Smith-Mundt Act, The CIA Media Empire
  • 19:40: The Department of Dirty Tricks
  • 20:36: The CIA As Servant Of The State Department
  • 23:02: 1789-1948 pre-history
  • 29:54: 1948-1983
  • 37:31: I learn there’s 2 mins left on the clock & need to summarize the post-1983 structural changes and post-2016 operational changes in like 3 mins 😂

I only made it a third of the way thru the lecture! 😩

catsfive 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't know why you are downvoaded. You are clearly thinking this through at very high autism levels 🐸🐸🐸

catsfive 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have toured inside that very 747 at NASA HQ in Houston! It was so neat to see.

catsfive 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes. The secret message is Catsfive = retarded 😭👌

catsfive 6 points ago +7 / -1

Oh lord MORE retardation. My brain just literally cannot correct typos. It literally visually recreates them to the correct word. This runs in my family actually. My mother has this. She's very intelligent, she can totally hold the conversation with anyone, but she and I were talking about depression one time and she said to me, you know, Prozac is not a pancreas.


catsfive 3 points ago +3 / -0

I posted something about this before as well. I like to watch cockpit videos and check this one out, about halfway through their flight they end up passing underneath Ukraine and their GPS starts wandering, the planes time clock loses accuracy, all kinds of craziness.


catsfive 4 points ago +4 / -0

The main runway at Lincoln Airport (LNK) in Nebraska is Runway 18/36, and it is approximately 12,901 feet (3,932 meters) long. Absolute monster. It was actually one of the space shuttle backup landing sites if it was ever needed

catsfive 7 points ago +7 / -0


Word to ur mother

I asked GPT try to write me an Usher rap about this and it did not disappoint:

Yo, don’t be lookin' over here, I ain't hidin' no dirt,

Talkin’ 'bout my name, you gon' end up gettin' hurt.

My Twitter got hacked, yeah, that’s the truth,
Y’all chasin' rumors like kids with no proof.

I’m runnin' this game, don’t need no cosign,
Diddy ain’t my mentor, I been holdin’ mine.

I hustle on my own, stacks gettin' thicker,
Ain’t no P Diddy ever pullin' these triggaz.

Don’t sweat it, homie, I’m clean as a boss,
I built my empire, no guidance no loss

I'm just chilling here in Florida, working on my tan

But with my X deleted I live my life as a gay man

catsfive 1 point ago +2 / -1

Excuse me, exactly what about the comment about makes you assume that? Seriously, what kind of Karen bullshit is this?

catsfive 5 points ago +5 / -0

Don't receive this as a major or angry criticism, but you're not really making your point very decisively. You're making some Grand claims, but what do you really mean? I would love to understand better

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