catsfive 2 points ago +2 / -0

Focus on you memes that have a bit of a q angle and leave the PDW stuff to them

catsfive 13 points ago +13 / -0

Hang on a second, this title doesn't make any sense

in Japan and it's 7:00 p.m. over here and screw it I'm going to bed

catsfive 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you my brother. I will watch out for it. I will be spending two weeks in Japan, two weeks in Kuala lumpur, 2 weeks in cambodia, and then I will be heading to commonwealth, let's just say, a small island that was the head of the Crusades

I will report back to you about the beer

catsfive 4 points ago +5 / -1

Learn how cameras work. Stars are very faint. Right objects however blow up the cameras exposure balance forcing it to choose between keeping extremely bright objects like the nearby spaceship in proper exposure, but it then creates shutter times so fast that the camera cannot capture the Stars

If someone pointed the camera away from the bright objects and let the camera do its thing, you would indeed get Stars

catsfive [M] 9 points ago +11 / -2

Oh, great. I did not sticky this. I even vowed to stay out of it. Today is the official day, I am leaving Canada forever. I fly to Japan here in a few hours, then I'm going to head around southeast Asia for a bit before ending up somewhere in the mediterranean.

In the meantime, it appears we have had some leakage from c/conspiracies... Several users have been "catch and released" over to there where they belong. I am unsticking this, and sorry for the drama, and our sincerest thanks to those users who by making the ultimate sacrifice increased GAW's collective IQ by 40 points

catsfive 3 points ago +7 / -4

Check out what, exactly? The Tesla Roadster was the test payload for the very first ever launch of the falcon heavy rocket. There were no launch customers, so musk said fuck it, and launched his Roadster and a bunch of ballast.

The Roadster was placed into a heliocentric orbit (orbiting the Sun), which crosses the orbits of both Earth and Mars. The initial plan was to send the car into an orbit around Mars, but due to a higher-than-expected final burn from the rocket, it ended up in an orbit that extends beyond Mars’ orbit and goes further into the asteroid belt at its farthest point from the Sun.

The orbit is elliptical and ranges between a perihelion (closest point to the Sun) near Earth’s orbit and an aphelion (farthest point) that reaches slightly beyond Mars, but it's not a stable orbit around Mars itself.

Understanding science isn't hard

catsfive 4 points ago +6 / -2

See my comment. You are way off base here. I literally lived for 3 months in an apartment facing ground zero, watching them and do this Non-Stop

Personal incredulity, that is, you find yourself unable to believe something, is not evidence towards that fact. Learn this

catsfive 3 points ago +5 / -2

This is a bit very misleading photo. I personally watched ground Zero as well there's cut ground support beams to bring down unstable columns of steel to the ground.

This however comment in no way whatsoever detracts from the fact that ate plutonium-based nuclear weapons charges were used to bring down the WTC.. fucking FIGHT me

catsfive [M] 2 points ago +2 / -0

Removed. Low effort. Needs more contacts than this. What are the official pronouncements about why this route was terminated

catsfive 18 points ago +18 / -0

WTC 7 was also rated as a category 5 bunker, literally hurricane-proof, blast glass/coatings at every window, Salomon Smith Barney insisted upon and received 150 million in structural upgrades to the building before they would agree to move their trading floor there. The idea that this building just collapsed due to fires is so literally incomprehensible to anyone that has a functioning brain it's not even funny

catsfive 5 points ago +5 / -0

Explanation: plate looks exactly like the 2030 goals icon that you find on your Samsung phone or Apple product or whatever.

catsfive [M] 8 points ago +10 / -2

Wait. Sticking this post so that people can hopefully read this comment. Do we have comms, in a way, here? Obviously he was in Hunt for Red October but I really don't consider that to be anywhere close to his most important movies


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