The world has made Christians soft. Started in the 60s. The bible is full of stories of how Christians/Godly men were warriors. Yes. Love your enemies. But never forget they are out to destroy us. Never give them an inch. Never back down. Put on the whole armor of God. He has chosen us before we were born to be warriors.
Tanker 1st Cav. First Gulf War. Been red-pilled since Oklahoma City bombing. Attended all 3 Trump rallies. Found Q by accident a month after first post. Conservatives were in defense and scattered. Q brought us together and opened our eyes to evil in both parties. Q made the America First party a powerful force.
For so many years christians we on the defense. We hunkered down in churches. Since the internet we are now on the offense. This war would have been over if the church dealt with pedos within their ranks. People hate "church" now. It will get better but it will take time to get butts in pews.
Does she unload all she knows? I would. Arkancide coming soon. Might as well leave the world burden free.